How To Shoot When Hunting

How To Shoot When Hunting
How To Shoot When Hunting

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Having decided to become a hunter, you can re-read the hunting guides, learn all the details of shooting, study the technical characteristics of all types of weapons, but you can only learn to shoot in practice.

How to shoot when hunting
How to shoot when hunting


Step 1

In pre-revolutionary times, novice hunters learned to shoot like this: they walked outside the outskirts, took cartridges and shot at everything that flies in the area. Now such a method of mastering the art of shooting is not possible, the legislation does not allow such liberties.

Step 2

You can learn how to shoot while hunting by starting training at home. One of the exercises is a shotgun throw. It can even be included in morning exercises. When performing the weapon throwing exercise, two rules must be followed: the gun must be the same with which you are going to hunt, and the clothes must be the same in which you plan to go hunting the animal.

Step 3

Shooting while hunting can be carried out at moving and stationary targets. It is not so difficult to get into motionless game, for example, a hazel grouse sitting on a tree. To do this, you need to throw the weapon to your shoulder, bring the upper cut of the front sight to the point of impact and gently pull the trigger. Both eyes must be open when shooting.

Step 4

A duck on the water is a more difficult target. On the water, it is more difficult to determine the distance, besides, the duck, as a rule, swims. And the affected area of a bird sitting on the water is small. When shooting a duck swimming at a distance of three tens of meters, you must aim at the base of the neck and do not hesitate with a shot so that the bird does not leave the affected area.

Step 5

You can shoot at any targets with an open or closed bar. In the first case, both the front sight and the aiming bar are visible. In this case, the trunks will be slightly raised, so you need to aim at the game. When shooting with a closed bar, only the front sight will be visible. In this case, the field of view is reduced, but shooting is usually more accurate.

Step 6

Remember that when hunting, you cannot pull with a shot. It is not easy to keep the barrel completely still, and the barrels can begin to wobble, and this leads to a miss.

Step 7

It is important for the shooter to carefully work out the throw of the weapon. It should rise to the shoulder smoothly, but at the same time quickly and without jerking. At the same time, it is necessary to work with the whole body, and not just with your hands.

Step 8

You noticed the game, threw up the gun according to all the rules, chose a lead and smoothly pulled the trigger. It is not that simple. For example, how to choose the right lead? The hunter usually does not have time for calculations. The speed and angle of movement in relation to the hunter will be different for each bird. Wind speed and distance to game can also be very different. The correct lead, based on intuition, can be developed by shooting on the stand.

Step 9

These are just general guidelines for hunting shooting. The best way to become a master shooter is to practice in real conditions and on the stand. With experience, confidence will increase, and the acquired skills will turn into true hunting skill.