Crafts From Pasta

Crafts From Pasta
Crafts From Pasta

Children are very fond of making pasta crafts, because it is very interesting to create something from food. It is also a very rewarding activity as working with small details develops fine motor skills.

Pasta angel
Pasta angel

Bunch of pasta

For this craft, pick up the pasta in the form of flowers. You will also need toothpicks, colorful acrylic paints, and super glue.

Paint the pasta with paints, each in its own color. Paint the toothpicks with green paint. Put everything on paper and let dry.

Make flowers. Apply a drop of glue to one side of the toothpick and attach the pasta flower. Collect the bouquet and place it in a small glass or vase.

Candlestick decorated with pasta

To make this craft, you will need:

- pasta of various shapes;

- a glass made of transparent glass;

- Super glue;

- acrylic paint;

- brush.

Find a glass to serve as a candlestick. Wash it and degrease the surface. Starting at the bottom, glue the pasta with super glue, creating a beautiful composition. Use twisted spirals, shells, horns, flowers and bows.

After you are satisfied with the result, paint everything with paints. For this stage, only acrylic paints are suitable, because if you paint the product with watercolors or gouache, the pasta can soften and the candlestick will be damaged. Pour some hot wax on the bottom inside the glass and place a candle.

Aliens from outer space

When making this craft, you can show your imagination and have fun. Come up with what your alien will look like. Tell the children that they can be completely different from people and ask the children to think of what they might look like. Make a company of aliens.

Make a stand. Cut a circle out of cardboard, paste over it with silver foil, so the stand will resemble a flying saucer. Attach some plasticine in the middle to keep the alien on its feet. Use the same material to make the alien's body.

The legs are ordinary tube pasta. Hands can be made from spirals. Stick them into the plasticine body. Roll up a ball-head, make hair out of spaghetti. Sculpt the eyes, nose and mouth from pieces of plasticine. The alien is ready, it remains to attach it to the flying saucer.

Pasta angel

For this craft, very few materials are required:

- 1 wide canneloni pasta;

- 2 pcs. horn;

- 1 bow;

- a few stars;

- large bead;

- thread;

- Super glue;

- gold paint.

Take the canneloni, glue the horns on the sides, which will imitate the handles of an angel. Glue a bow on the back (these are angel wings). Thread the string into the bead so that the angel can be hung. Attach a bead on top of the canneloni. Decorate the angel with star-shaped pasta. Paint the craft with gold acrylic paint. It is more convenient to use an aerosol for this.
