Crafts From Acorns: How To Make Funny Figurines

Crafts From Acorns: How To Make Funny Figurines
Crafts From Acorns: How To Make Funny Figurines

Autumn is rich in natural materials for creating original crafts that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. To do this, you just need to turn on your imagination and stock up on acorns.

Crafts from acorns: how to make funny figurines
Crafts from acorns: how to make funny figurines

Acorns have the right shape and size to make cute and funny little people, horses, deer, bunnies and so on. In this case, everything depends solely on your desire and imagination.

To create the horns, legs, legs and arms of the figurines, you will need toothpicks. The acorns themselves will have to be pierced with a needle, and also connected to each other using plasticine or glue.

How to make a horse out of acorns

To create a figurine of a horse, you need: threads, plasticine, a needle, toothpicks, colored paper, glue, scissors and acorns.

The horse must have a mane and a tail. They can be made using the most common threads. Prepare several threads 5-6 cm long. Using a needle, make holes in the jeduda in those places where the tail and mane should be. Insert the threads into the holes.

Now use a needle to make holes for the horse's legs. Create legs with toothpicks and glue them to the acorn. For this, it is better to take superglue. Create a neck in the same way, sealing it with plasticine. Another acorn acts as the horse's head.

Make colored paper ears and glue them to the head. The funny acorn horse is ready! If desired, she can make a saddle out of colored paper. Don't forget to paint on the eyes, nose and mouth.

Similarly, you can make figurines of other animals. Imagine!

How to make a man out of acorns

In order to create a man, you need to stock up on an even acorn, it should be without cracks - this will be the body. Decide on which side it will have legs, arms and head. Place small pieces of plasticine in the places where these parts are attached. At the same time, there should be more plasticine in the place of fixation of the legs and head: one piece will become the neck, in the other - the little man's pants. Shape these parts accordingly.

Pick up a small acorn to create the head. You can use hazelnut instead. In this case, glue the acorn plus to it with glue or plasticine - it will become a hat.

Make the eyes, mouth and nose out of plasticine. You can also draw them with a felt-tip pen. Secure your head on a plasticine neck.

Make arms and legs. They can be made from toothpicks or twigs. Cut them to the required length and stick them into pieces of plasticine stuck in advance. Feet and hands can be made from pieces of plasticine. Using plasticine feet, fix the figure of the little man on the stand.