Trance is a state of a person that is used by yogis or psychics to obtain the necessary information or invoke mystical visions. At the same time, a person concentrates his consciousness to the utmost and goes “inside himself”. Learning to go into trance takes months, sometimes years, of training. There are several methods for entering this state.

Step 1
The most common way to enter a trance is classical, with the help of mantras, correct breathing and visualization of the sun. Lie on something firm so that your back is completely flat. Clothes should not be tight, interfere or crush - if necessary, change clothes or unfasten buttons. Relax completely, do not move or think about anything. Watch your breath, but don't try to control it. While inhaling, say the mantra "S-o-o-o-o", and at the exit - "H-a-m-m-m-m". After a while, you will feel as if you are falling into an abyss, perhaps a feeling of numbness. When the breath is even, repeat the other mantra - "Om-mm-mm". Imagine a bright sun between the eyebrows, try to see it as clearly as possible so that a distinct yellow disc appears in front of your eyes.
Step 2
The next method was developed by Herbert Spingel, an American psychiatrist. This is a fairly simple method that can be used by beginners. Lie down or find another comfortable position with your head resting on something. Lift your eyes up to the ceiling so that they are tense. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. Drop your eyelids and hold your breath. Repeat this procedure, but be completely relaxed. With this breathing, you can quickly enter a trance state. To recover, focus on your breaths and open your eyes.
Step 3
Sit comfortably with your hands on your knees or armrests. Look at your feet and try to feel that they are getting heavy. Look up your body, imagining that every part of it gradually becomes soft and heavy. When you feel the heaviness in your legs, look up. When you get to your chest, close your eyes and begin to descend, weighing down your body. Feel the relaxation. At the end of this procedure, you should feel like a large and heavy stone monument, with this feeling a state of trance will come.
Step 4
Play music with the sounds of an African tambourine or other percussion instrument that sounds hollow and clear. Turn off the light. Lie with your back straight, you can cover yourself with a blanket. Close your eyes, concentrate on the rhythm. Try not to let other thoughts enter your head, merge with the music.
Step 5
It is possible to determine that a person has entered a state of trance by several signs: there is no control over the body, images float before the eyes, the perception of time is distorted.