There are many forms of meditative trance and meditation. You can immerse yourself in this state in different ways, and it will affect your sense of self in different ways. The easiest way is to go into a trance on your own, it will help you relax, rest and recharge. In order to plunge into a trance, the following set of conditions must be fulfilled.

Step 1
First you need to satisfy all physiological needs, otherwise it can significantly distract and prevent easy entry into a trance state.
Step 2
It is also important to be in a slightly tired state, otherwise you can either just fall asleep - if you are very tired, or not relax at all (for example, in the morning, when you are full of strength and energy).
Step 3
Then you need to pay attention to making you feel more or less comfortable. Take a position in which parts of your body will not flow (sometimes it is much more comfortable to be in a chair than lying on a bed). Disconnect any external sources that are usually annoying: TV, phone, watch, etc. Remember to keep the room at a normal temperature.
Step 4
After all of the above conditions are met, you just need to try to relax. Try to make your body seem to be asleep and your mind to be awake. Relaxation and concentration will be of great help. Relax your body as much as possible, while in no case faint. To achieve this state, think about something, but do not allow thoughts to flow abstractly and absent-mindedly.
Step 5
An excellent method to achieve the necessary concentration is to gaze into the darkness in front of your closed eyes. But you must be fully aware of your intention to go into a trance and allow your body to relax.
Step 6
It is important that you remain mindful. If you feel that you are starting to dream, you need to independently return your thoughts in the right direction.
Step 7
At the same time, your body relaxes. At some point, you will feel a feeling of heaviness throughout the body, which usually indicates the maximum degree of relaxation.