What Does The Snake Symbolize

What Does The Snake Symbolize
What Does The Snake Symbolize

Snakes in the symbolism of different countries mean completely different concepts - from death to resurrection. In Eastern countries, symbolism does not distinguish between these creatures.

What does the snake symbolize
What does the snake symbolize

Such complex serpentine symbolism

The snake can be both female and male. It is noteworthy that, on the one hand, the snake denotes death, destruction and fear, and on the other, as a creature shedding an old, unnecessary skin, resurrection and life. A coiled snake means a cycle of events and phenomena. Usually such a snake holds itself by its own tail. This symbol is very common. It can mean the duality of the lunar and solar principles, the duality of darkness and light, death and life, poison and healing, wisdom and stupidity.

Chthonic and other meanings

Since ancient times, the snake was considered bisexual, being a symbol of self-generating deities, primarily fertile land. This is a fairly simple chthonic, solar and sexual symbol that speaks of the manifestation of physical and spiritual strength. The snake in some primitive religions is seen as the beginning of everything.

The snake that eats itself from the tail is an uroboros, that is, a symbol of the cyclical nature of any manifestation and absorption.

Since the snake lives underground, people often attribute to it the ability to communicate with the dead and access to the underworld. The chthonic snake is a symbol and manifestation of the aggressive gods of darkness and the underworld. In its original dark essence, the snake opposes the Sun, search and spiritual forces, symbolizing by this everything that is dark in people.

The snake can symbolize instincts, irrational surges of vitality, potential latent energy. In many traditions, the snake acts as an intermediary between the Earth and Heaven, associated with the Cosmic tree. On a more detailed level, the snake is a symbol of refinement, cunning, deceit, darkness and evil. The most commonly attributed role to the snake is that of the tempter.

It is believed that there is a gem in the snake's brain that will bring wisdom to the one who receives it.

In cosmology, the primordial ocean can be represented as a huge serpent, which serves as the beginning and end of everything. That is, a snake or a serpent in this case acts as a primitive chaos.

In the Eastern tradition, snakes and dragons serve as guardians of temples, treasures, places of power and knowledge. Dragons and snakes can produce storms, control the forces of the elements of water. Initially, they are neutral towards a person, that is, their sympathy can be earned, but you can also turn them against yourself. Snakes often act as guardians of banal material treasures, but they are not inclined to share them.
