Mayan Horoscope By Date Of Birth

Mayan Horoscope By Date Of Birth
Mayan Horoscope By Date Of Birth

The Mayan civilization has left mankind inherited many different riches. One of them is an amazing horoscope consisting of 20 signs and describing the character of people who were born on a particular day. It is noteworthy that it is much more accurate than the usual astrological one. Judge for yourself!

Mayan horoscope by date of birth
Mayan horoscope by date of birth

But before you start reading the characteristics, find out which sign you belong to by date of birth:

  • Crocodile (Imish): January 15, February 4 and 24, March 16 and 21, April 10 and 30, May 20, June 9 and 29, July 19, August 8 and 28, September 17, October 7 and 27, November 16, December 6 and 26.
  • Wind (Iik): January 16, February 5 and 25, March 17 and 22, April 11, May 1 and 21, June 10 and 30, July 20, August 9 and 29, September 18, October 8 and 28, November 17, December 7 and 27.
  • Night (Akbal): January 17, February 6 and 26, March 18 and 23, April 12, May 2 and 22, June 11, July 1 and 21, August 10 and 30, September 19, October 9 and 29, November 18, December 8 and 28.
  • Lizard (Kaan): January 18, February 7 and 27, March 19 and 24, April 13, May 3 and 23, June 12, July 2 and 22, August 11 and 31, September 20, October 10 and 30, November 19, December 9 and 29.
  • Snake (Chichkan): January 19, February 8 and 28, March 20 and 25, April 14, May 4 and 24, June 13, July 3 and 23, August 12, September 1 and 21, October 11 and 31, November 20, December 10 and 30.
  • The Wanderer (Kimi): January 20, February 9 and 29, March 1 and 26, April 15, May 5 and 25, June 14, July 4 and 24, August 13, September 2 and 22, October 12, November 1 and 21, December 11 and 31.
  • Ruka (Manik): January 1 and 21, February 10, March 2 and 27, April 16, May 6 and 26, June 15, July 5 and 25, August 14, September 3 and 23, October 13, November 2 and 22, 12 December.
  • Moon (Lamat): January 2 and 22, February 11, March 3 and 28, April 17, May 7 and 27, June 16, July 6 and 26, August 15, September 4 and 24, October 14, November 3 and 23, December 13th.
  • Water (Muluk): January 3 and 23, February 12, March 4 and 29, April 18, May 8 and 28, June 17, July 7 and 27, August 16, September 5 and 25, October 15, November 4 and 24, December 14.
  • Dog (Ook): January 4 and 24, February 13, March 5 and 30, April 19, May 9 and 29, June 18, July 8 and 28, August 17, September 6 and 26, October 16, November 5 and 25, December 15.
  • Monkey (Chuyen): January 5 and 25, February 14, March 6 and 31, April 20, May 10 and 30, June 19, July 9 and 29, August 18, September 7 and 27, October 17, November 6 and 26, December 16.
  • Skull (Eb): January 6 and 26, February 15, March 7, April 1 and 21, May 11 and 31, June 20, July 10 and 30, August 19, September 8 and 28, October 18, November 7 and 27, December 17.
  • Mais (Ben, Heavenly Wanderer): January 7 and 27, February 16, March 8, April 2 and 22, May 12, June 1 and 21, July 11 and 31, August 20, September 9 and 29, October 19, 8 and November 28, December 18.
  • Jaguar (Ich): January 8 and 28, February 17, March 9, April 3 and 23, May 13, June 2 and 22, July 12, August 1 and 21, September 10 and 30, October 20, November 9 and 29, December 19th.
  • Eagle (Maine): January 9 and 29, February 18, March 10, April 4 and 24, May 14, June 3 and 23, July 13, August 2 and 22, September 11, October 1 and 21, November 10 and 30, December 20.
  • Neck (Kiib): January 10 and 30, February 19, March 11, April 5 and 25, May 15, June 4 and 24, July 14, August 3 and 23, September 12, October 2 and 22, November 11, 1 and 21 December.
  • Earth (Ka'ban): January 11 and 31, February 20, March 12, April 6 and 26, May 16, June 5 and 25, July 15, August 4 and 24, September 13, October 3 and 23, November 12, 2 and December 22.
  • Flint (Etznab): January 12, February 1 and 21, March 13, April 7 and 27, May 17, June 6 and 26, July 16, August 5 and 25, September 14, October 4 and 24, November 13, 3 and December 23rd.
  • Thunderstorm (Cauac): January 13, February 2 and 22, March 14, April 8 and 28, May 18, June 7 and 27, July 17, August 6 and 26, September 15, October 5 and 25, November 14, 4 and December 24.
  • Sun (Ahau): January 14, February 3 and 23, March 15, April 9 and 29, May 19, June 8 and 28, July 18, August 7 and 27, September 16, October 6 and 26, November 15, 5 and December 25.

And here are the characteristics themselves:

Crocodile (Imish)

People born under the sign of the Crocodile are very emotional, attached to their home, caring. Men often have the gift of clairvoyance and build their whole lives by listening to the voice of their heart and intuition. They know how to handle finances, so they always do well. Women are another matter. Lovely ladies love to build sand castles and completely immerse themselves in their own dreams. They are very trusting and vulnerable, so they often experience disappointment.

Wind (Iik):

People born under the sign of the Wind (Iik) are always energetic, cheerful, purposeful. But they are endowed with a very difficult character. So, men are filled with selfishness, anger and rage. They always try to achieve what they want. And women do not know how to listen to the voice of their intuition, so they sometimes act very recklessly. However, all this does not prevent Veterki from being very good people. It's never boring to be with them.

Night (Akbal)

People who were born under the sign of Akbal are patronized by the god of dreams himself. He endows his wards with a desire for philosophizing, frequent reflections on life, wonderful imagination, patience and perseverance. And, at the same time, strong pride, isolation and resentment. Men of this sign are usually independent and secretive. They hate it when someone crawls into their souls, and they themselves do not do it. Women are touchy. All people of the Night sign are excellent family men, they usually have many children.

who are you according to the Mayan horoscope
who are you according to the Mayan horoscope

Lizard (Kaan)

People born under the sign of Kaan are obligatory, kind, noble and a little down to earth. They are in excellent health and are almost always in a good mood. But they really need solitude in order to think about something urgent and try to understand everything that happens to them. Men very rarely open their souls to someone. Perhaps because of the fear of being vulnerable. Women are great housewives. They always know where and what they can buy cheaper. The disadvantages of the character of "Lizards" can only be attributed to a little laziness.

Snake (Chichkan)

People born under the sign of Chikchan (Snake) are under the auspices of the god Kukulkan. They are charming, attractive, elegant and hardworking. Often they have an unusual appearance and extraordinary thinking, they are versed in fashion. They know how to make money, are able to quickly move up the career ladder. They never start scandals first. But, if they offend them, they will be able to defend themselves. Men of this sign always put work first, and their companions have to put up with it. Women need true love and care from a partner.

Wanderer (Kimi)

People born under the sign of Kimi are patronized by the god of death Ahluh. He endows his wards with extrasensory abilities, the ability to experience someone else's grief and absorb the negative emotions of the people around him, and heightened emotionality. Because of this, representatives of the Wanderer sign do not live very easily, they often have depression and hysteria. However, this does not prevent them from thinking soberly, quickly finding a way out of this situation, being caring and attentive to family members.

Mayan wanderer
Mayan wanderer

Hand (Manik)

For people born under this sign, the patron is the deer god Tohil. It is he who endows them with special physical strength, endurance, increased energy, agility, the ability to make the most correct decisions almost instantly. Representatives of the sign always know what they want. They do not accept office romances and relationships on the side. In marriage, they are usually very jealous and power-hungry. Men can be lonely all their lives. Women need a strong life partner, as they are quite timid by nature (at heart).

Moon (Lamat)

People born under the sign of the Moon are very much attracted by all the most mystical and mysterious. If desired, they can even be excellent sorcerers, magicians, healers or herbalists. They have the ability to do this. In addition, representatives of the sign are ready to happily take care of their loved ones, tinker in the garden or in the garden, prepare delicious dishes, create a cozy and beautiful environment in the house, and be creative. There are two drawbacks - increased cunning and resourcefulness. If necessary, they will immediately circle anyone around the finger, and, moreover, so that he will not notice.

Water (Muluk)

The Mayan horoscope by date of birth promises people born under the sign of Water a difficult youth and calm maturity. Muluk representatives have a clear mind and increased self-sufficiency. They are disciplined, optimistic and creative. They never lose their optimism. But they can give up in front of trouble. Therefore, they become happy only if they find strength in their souls to deal with circumstances. In love, they overreact to sensual attraction. They remain lonely until they find someone who can accept them as they are.

Water (Muluk) by Mayan horoscope
Water (Muluk) by Mayan horoscope

Dog (Ook)

People born under the sign of Ook are under the auspices of the dog-headed god Tzul. It is he who endows his pets with a loyal and devoted character, reliability, enterprise, the ability for self-sacrifice, and excellent intuition. Representatives of the Dog sign know how to love and be friends, take care of their family, work for five. However, they are able to "tear" their opponents to shreds and show the skills of a real grabber. They may suffer from manic jealousy, since by nature they are true owners. But if their partners are able to convince of their sincerity, they become calm and very homely.

Monkey (Chuyen)

People born under the sign of the Monkey are really lucky. They are able to achieve their goal without much effort. They are very smart, quick-witted, brave, talented, artistic and beautiful. They usually live easily, as if playfully. They know how to hide emotions behind a mask, because of which it may seem to others that "Monkeys" are always doing great. However, suffering rarely falls to the lot of the representatives of this sign. And if this happens, close people always try to make things work out for them as soon as possible.

Skull (Eb)

The deity of people born under the Skull sign are the Hunahlu brothers, who are at the head of the struggle between good and evil. These "relatives" endow their wards with all the qualities necessary to defeat enemies. In particular, resourcefulness, cunning, courage, desire to change the world for the better, ingenuity and determination. With all this, people of the Skull sign very badly endure the blows of fate, they only hide it from others. Men usually prefer light amusements. Women love to gossip about everything around them.

Skull (Eb) by Mayan horoscope
Skull (Eb) by Mayan horoscope

Mais (Ben, Skywalker)

People born under the sign of Mais are very inquisitive, restless, creatively developed, cheerful, freedom-loving. They are also emotional and quick-tempered. By their nature, they are real revolutionaries, conquistadors, discoverers and inventors. They easily assimilate new information, study foreign languages, put forward and all defend global ideas. And even if their "innovations" seem to the surrounding real madness. People of the Ben sign really need partners who can drag them away from the next abyss in time.

Jaguar (Ich)

The Mayan Indians believed that the people of the Jaguar sign were real magicians. If only because the representatives of the sign are able to hypnotically influence others. They are also endowed with such qualities as: kindness, responsiveness, impeccable taste, excellent sense of style. However, it is common for people of the Iish sign to "fall out of reality." They can come up with a situation and believe in it themselves. In addition, they are distinguished by an enviable inconstancy. They can be faithful only if they sincerely love their partner. They value the created family, they try to ensure that everything is fine with their loved ones.

Eagle (Men)

People born under the sign of the Eagle are patronized by the Sun God. Maybe that's why they stand out so much from the crowd with their proud gait and rather unusual appearance. Representatives of the sign are very freedom-loving, smart, outwardly attractive, strong in body and soul, lucky and energetic. Despite the fact that they do not have money in the first place, they still strive to have it. Therefore, they often become skilled entrepreneurs. They rarely give birth to a family. Only if they find a partner who is capable of not limiting their freedom in any way.

Eagle according to the Mayan horoscope
Eagle according to the Mayan horoscope

Neck (Kiib)

In the Mayan horoscope by date of birth, people of the Vulture sign occupy a special place because of their unusually strong character. The representatives of this sign cannot be deceived, as they see people literally through and through. If you make them angry, you can see a terrible sight. Just imagine what would happen to you if you fell into the clutches of an evil bird of prey. That's the same! However, people of the Kiib sign rarely lose their temper. They are usually nice to those around them. They prefer to think more about the eternal than to quarrel with someone. Marriages are often entered into in adulthood. They create a family for life (at least they try to do it).

Earth (Kaaban)

People of the Kaaban sign love to fantasize, dream, have fun and mess around. They rarely listen to the opinions of others, as they prefer to rely only on themselves. However, if they get down to work, they will complete it. Men of the Earth sign are happy to communicate with the fair sex. They are self-sufficient and independent. Women are very beautiful, therefore they are surrounded by crowds of admirers. But they do not adapt very well to circumstances, and therefore often feel unhappy.

Flint (Etznab)

People of the Flint sign are independent, self-reliant, self-confident. They have a strong character and clear thinking. They almost always express what they think. Beating around the bush is not for them. Basically, they rely only on themselves, therefore, they rightly consider all successes and achievements to be their own merits. In communication, they are always calm and friendly. They are very patient and hardworking, thanks to which they always achieve whatever they want. The disadvantage is impermanence. If in the relationship of a person of the Flint sign something ceases to suit, he almost immediately changes his partner.

Thunderstorm Man by Mayan horoscope
Thunderstorm Man by Mayan horoscope

Thunderstorm (Cauac)

The person of the Thunderstorm sign has an innate ability to get into unpleasant situations. And all because he is very compassionate, sensual, noble and impressionable. True, he masks such qualities well. He loves to quarrel, especially with his soul mate. Literally half a step is enough for him to go from love to hate and come back. Men of the Cauak sign are reserved, although you can see a real storm in their eyes. Women often find themselves drawn into scandals or some bright events.

Sun (Ahau)

People of the Sun sign are as bright as the heavenly body. They are comprehensively developed, sublime, capable of complete dedication, persistent. They can find themselves in any business. It is very difficult to endure separation and breakdown of relations with a loved one. Because of this, he may even commit suicide. They are very hardworking at work. They are suited to be singers, dancers or poets. But they cannot take responsibility for their personal life. It is important for them that there is a person nearby who is able to lead and direct along the right path. Well, that's how they are, the Sun-People. Have you already found your characteristics according to the Mayan horoscope by date of birth ?!
