Since ancient times, out of curiosity or in view of any life upheavals, illness, tragic circumstances, people have turned to various fortune-tellers, fortune-tellers and clairvoyants for help. One part of modern society calls these people charlatans, the other admits the presence of extrasensory abilities, but there is also such a category of people who blindly trusts every word of clairvoyants.

Clairvoyance is a profitable business
In most cases, psychics provide services to gullible people for a fee. With the most humble and knowledgeable face, they turn out the pockets of innocent citizens, sometimes forcing clients to get into unthinkable debts, take loans from banks.
The standard rate for many psychics is 1000-5000 rubles per session, for such a "symbolic" fee they can tell everything that the client wants to hear. The guarantees are, of course, one hundred percent. Visitors of clairvoyants and their sites will have a fascinating excursion into their distant past or future with the help of a set of standard vague images and phrases, skillfully using the skills learned in the simplest psychology courses. At the same time, every second person has damage or an ancient ancestral curse, which the wizards will surely remove with the help of prayers, spells or a tambourine, however, for these actions you have to pay separately.
The battle of psychics is the most striking example of how clairvoyance can be put on the rails of show business. Each program is a masterfully planned performance that attracts thousands of viewers to TV screens.
Sooner or later, "snickering" psychics are declared fraudsters, and some even serve sentences for quite tangible actions. Although the destructive effect of all these sorcerers is obvious, it is sometimes very difficult to catch their hand. After all, a person who successfully manipulates the consciousness of another, in most cases, easily steps aside and avoids the well-deserved punishment.
Do they see anything at all
At best, these are people with well-studied mental disorders, at worst, dangerous fraudsters, often with a criminal past. What a clairvoyant swindler can see: nothing, but a mentally ill person can see anything. Modern science has a huge arsenal of methods for diagnosing "clairvoyant" disorders. More often than not, psychics refuse tests, resenting the proposed test of abilities. However, there are those who do not hesitate to put their "gift" on public display, hoping to make an advertisement for themselves. After the subject has a mental disorder, for example, schizophrenia, or it is proved that he does not have the declared strength, scientific experts are accused of narrow-mindedness and lack of knowledge in the field of extrasensory perception. At the moment, there is not a single confirmed fact that the object under study actually has the ability to read minds or look into the past and future.
Vanga is the most famous clairvoyant of the 20th century, who allegedly predicted World War II and made thousands of prophecies to ordinary people. It is alleged that they tried to study its phenomenon, but no one saw the protocols of these studies.
Church and clairvoyance
Priests, as people close to the non-material understanding of the world, admit the existence of the phenomenon of clairvoyance, but treat it extremely negatively. People of the spiritual dignity are sure that a demon or demon possesses clairvoyants, takes possession of their body and broadcasts prophecies through subordinate people. Those. the fortuneteller himself does not see anything or sees certain pictures through the eyes of a demon. In order to fully explain these abilities, the example cites lines from the Gospel, which tell about the meeting of Jesus Christ and his apostles with soothsayers. Clairvoyants call out to Christ: "Son of God!", "Savior of the world!"But Jesus casts out the spirit of divination: "I command you, go out!" or "shut up and get out of it!"