How To See With Closed Eyes

How To See With Closed Eyes
How To See With Closed Eyes

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Each of us has the ability to see with our eyes closed using the so-called third eye. And although experts are aware of examples when this ability manifested itself suddenly, as a rule, the ability to see with your eyes closed comes after persistent, systematic training. Everyone can try to reveal this gift in themselves with the help of simple exercises.

How to see with closed eyes
How to see with closed eyes

It is necessary

  • - training
  • - persistence
  • - perseverance


Step 1

To learn to see with your eyes closed, you first need to prepare yourself to open your third eye. To do this, you need to learn how to completely relax, getting rid of all negative emotions, fears, experiences - they all block your spiritual strength.

Step 2

Try to focus on your chakras - the energy centers, the six rotating circles that form the energy field of your body. When you feel them and learn to clear your mind of negativity, it will be easier for you to work on opening the third eye. Dedicate a lot of time to meditation. Meditation helps to relax and clear the mind.

Step 3

Start practicing to learn to see with your eyes closed. Start each set of exercises by relaxing your breath. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth until the air in your lungs runs out. Repeat the breathing exercise over and over.

Step 4

Close your eyes. Using your index finger, touch the middle of your forehead. This is where your third eye is located. Press gently on this point, as if trying to open an eye.

Step 5

Start learning to distinguish colors with your eyes closed. Focus on an object and through your eyelids try to see its color. Once you succeed, take a break.

Step 6

Practice discerning the shape of objects by looking at them with your eyes closed. Immediately, as soon as you begin to distinguish colors, the ability to see the shape of the objects around you will come to you.

Step 7

After you comprehend the ability to distinguish the shape of objects with your eyes closed, practice mentally approaching them and studying them in more detail. Constantly record the results of your exercises on paper and compare them with what you see when you open your eyes.

Step 8

Once you improve your ability to see objects at close range with your eyes closed, you can try to use your third eye for remote viewing as well. To do this, try closing your eyes, slowing your breathing, and letting your mind travel long distances, perhaps to other continents or even space.
