Perhaps every television producer dreams of his project to exist on the market for as long as possible, consistently making a profit. And such a desire is quite understandable and natural: why come up with a lot of different things, if you can make one television show successful. And the TV project "Dom-2" certainly belongs to such shows. You can hold your breath, watch the life of the heroes, you can be skeptical about him, you can even hate him at all, but we must admit that the show has existed for many years, which means that it is popular. But still, the question creeps into everyone's head - "When will Dom-2 be closed?"

Construction of the century
From an ordinary reality show that were so popular at the beginning of the century, "Dom-2" has turned into a real construction site of the century, because the project has existed on the market for almost 10 years. Yes, indeed, in May 2014, the residents of the house will celebrate ten years of their history. During this time, many heroes have changed, hundreds of destinies, countless relationships have been shown. There was everything: mutual and non-reciprocal love, quarrels and scandals, reconciliation and recognition, lies and truth, sincerity and hypocrisy, weddings and divorces, tears, laughter, joy, sadness and even the birth of children.
Of course, the format of the TV show also changed: before it was really a construction site, where the guys “assembled” the house with their own hands. Recently, however, all repair and construction work has come to naught (after all, the house has already been built and suitable for life!), And the participants began to fully follow the motto of the program - “build your love”. Dozens, hundreds of people from all over the world come to auditions, and then to the project, eager to find a loved one and build strong, sincere relationships with him. However, there must be someone pursuing other goals, but, as they say, someone else's soul is darkness. There is only one thing for sure: Dom-2 is the longest running project on Russian television.
Having existed on the television market for almost 10 years, Dom-2 has become so wildly popular that now the producers do not even have to think about closing it.
Closing of "House-2"
It should be noted that there were already enough precedents. Numerous lawsuits from disgruntled users are gathering dust on the shelves of archives, but new ones keep coming. What are people unhappy with? Basically, everyone. Someone considers the show immoral, someone does not like that it is shown at a time when the children are still awake and can observe all this, someone thinks that such projects have a negative effect on the psyche … There are a lot of reasons, but how the producers of the show admitted, in their opinion, the main reason is envy of such success.
For all 10 years of the existence of "House-2" it has never been closed. Lawsuits, claims and discontent accumulate, but nothing changes - the dog barks, the caravan moves on.
However, there are also positive changes: at the "House-2" the participants are now prohibited from smoking openly, consuming alcoholic beverages and using foul language. And a few years ago, the broadcast time was moved from 21 to 23 hours in order to prevent people under 16 years of age from watching the lives of the heroes. Of course, such an innovation of a pure form is a formality, because nowadays few teenagers go to bed before 23 o'clock. But for the sake of peace …
Thus, we can say that Dom-2 can be closed only when viewers lose their interest in it, because as long as the ratings are consistently high, no one would even think of closing a successful project. If the consciousness of society suddenly changes and they cease to be interested in the life of TV heroes, then it will be possible to talk about the completion of construction. In the meantime, it remains only to wait for new releases.