Dill is one of the favorite spices in our cuisine. It is so easy to breed that it can be found almost anywhere in the world. Dill takes root well, both in the street garden and in a pot with soil.

Step 1
Usually dill grows wherever it pleases. Its stems can reach a height of one and a half meters, it does not take much time to ripen, and the very first gust of wind scatters light seeds throughout the garden.
Step 2
But single bushes growing in close proximity to other plants quickly go into flower arrows, so if you want to have soft and tender green shoots at your disposal instead of hard umbrellas all year round, you will have to allocate a separate garden bed for dill.
Step 3
The land for planting dill seeds should be neutral. It is best to use areas that were limed last year and have already yielded one crop of any garden crop. Loosen the surface of the bed well. Make a wide groove in the ground about 5 centimeters wide and no more than 1-2 cm deep. Scatter the seeds along the groove in a zigzag line.
Step 4
Sprinkle a little soil over the seeds, water well, and wait. The dill will very quickly throw out the first shoots.
Step 5
Install fasteners along the bed, onto which you can then stretch the light-proof material. With a long daylight hours, the dill will go into the arrows, so cover the garden in the early evening and open it a few hours after sunrise.
Step 6
As you cut or pluck the dill bushes, sow fresh seeds every 2-3 weeks. In this case, you will provide yourself with dill not only for the summer, but also for the entire coming winter, because this spice perfectly retains its taste properties, both in dried and frozen or canned form.