Knitting machines were invented long enough and those who wanted to buy them for home knitting, but knitting needles and crochet hooks are still in demand, because knitting is not only an art, but also a kind of recreation. Before starting knitting, you should choose the right thread, hook or knitting needles and choose the pattern that you want to get at the end of the work.

It is necessary
crochet hook, knitting thread
Step 1
Close three loops at the beginning of the front row. Start knitting two knit stitches together, and then the loop that is formed needs to be moved to the left knitting needle. Knit the next two loops together and move to the left knitting needle again. Do this operation again, and in this way you will eventually close three loops.
Step 2
Tie a row with a pattern that is stitched throughout the entire knitting. Turn the product to the wrong side and do the same work that was done in the first part with the amendment: tie two loops with purl loops.
Step 3
Work a row to the end. Then turn the knit to the right side. You will get the second row and you should also close the loops in it. In the second row, close two loops with the technique you used in the previous paragraphs. When you knit a row, turn the garment to the wrong side and close the two loops.
Step 4
Close one loop on the front and back of the garment. You should have six closed loops for the armholes on both sides.
Step 5
Apply another method with which you can close the armholes in the same row on both sides. To do this, at the beginning of the row from the front side, close three loops. Continue knitting a row, at the end of which, under-knit four loops, that is, with a spare one loop. Without knitting further, transfer the remaining loops to the right knitting needle. Pull the previous one through the last loop without tying.
Step 6
Except one, pull all the remaining loops through each other. Knit the end loop with the front one. You should have 3 closed loops on both sides of the product. Next, knit the purl row to the end. Close the first two loops of the front row in the usual way, and the last two loops must be pulled through each other. Then knit the purl row to the end and do the same by yourself. Observing these rules, you can properly close the loops for the armholes.