Rhinestone - The Stone Of Diviners

Rhinestone - The Stone Of Diviners
Rhinestone - The Stone Of Diviners

Rock crystal is a transparent, purest water quartz has a special meaning for fortune-telling. With due skill, fortune-tellers read in his crystals and especially in the carved spheres pictures of the past and the future.

Rhinestone - the stone of diviners
Rhinestone - the stone of diviners

Rock crystal is a transparent, purest water quartz has a special meaning for fortune-telling. With due skill, fortune-tellers read in his crystals and especially in the carved spheres pictures of the past and the future. To do this, a crystal object is strengthened in a dark room so that a ray of light falls on it, filling it with radiance, and for a long time they look at it without blinking, and concentrating their will on the desire to see a certain object in it. For the same purpose, they sometimes fasten a crystal ball or bead on a silk thread and, holding it in their hands, order it to swing in a completely definite way. The connection between crystal and clairvoyance is explained by the fact that quartz is like the skin of the planet, with which it feels the cosmos and the astral world. Different types of quartz are closely related to our perception.

Ancient authors pointed out that crystal on a sleeping person relieves him of terrible dreams, and if worn in a ring, it relieves chilliness and the danger of freezing, worn in the form of a necklace, it increases milk in a nursing woman, carried under the linen on the right side of the abdomen. improves gallbladder function according to health needs.

The types of crystal include: Smoky crystal, citrine, rose quartz.

Smoky crystal or rauchtopaz has dark cloud formations from dark gray to smoky gray; black crystals of crystal are called morion. These types of crystal are younger than other gems and are inherently related to sapphire, only the forces acting in this noble stone act in rauchtopaz and morion much more roughly and not so harmoniously.

The properties of rauchtopaz are to excite imagination, distort the foresight of the future and ideas about the physical world, it is a stone of visionaries, visionaries, drug addicts, and he heals the latter.

Morion is a necromancer stone that facilitates communication with the world of the departed.

Citrine is a beautiful variety of crystal, lemon yellow or golden, but always well transparent. This is a sign of treason and deceit, in this it ensures success to its owner, in the rest it acts as a refined rauchtopaz.

Rose quartz is often worn in a precious setting, although it is not valuable in itself. Moreover, it tends to age in the light and acquire a gray color. However, he is loved, as he is a symbol of complete health. The mystics claim that it arose in the initial period of animal development of the earth and is, as it were, saturated with young blood.

We will also mention transparent types of crystal with different inclusions: the so-called "hairs". If they are needle-shaped, they are called "arrows of Cupid", fibrous - "hair of Venus."
