What Is Your Horoscope Stone

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What Is Your Horoscope Stone
What Is Your Horoscope Stone

Video: What Is Your Horoscope Stone

Video: What Is Your Horoscope Stone
Video: Know your Birthstone by Zodiac Sign | Top10 DotCom 2024, December

Each zodiac sign has its own amulet stones. Gems can enhance positive traits or muffle negative ones. Talismans should be worn as jewelry or purchased stone furnishings.

An incorrectly selected talisman can harm the owner
An incorrectly selected talisman can harm the owner


Step 1

For people born under the sign of Aries (March 21 - April 19), the most suitable stone is the ruby. It gives Aries energy for their active life, relieves stress and gives a good mood. In addition, in various situations, stones such as diamonds, zircon and citrine, agate, labrador, and amethyst can become a charm for Aries.

Step 2

The main talisman stone for Taurus (April 21 - May 20) is a sapphire. It stimulates logical thinking, promotes correct decision-making, and gives peace of mind. Agate, aventurine, emerald, chalcedony, chrysoprase, quartz, turquoise also have a beneficial effect on Taurus.

Step 3

The best amulet for Gemini (May 21 - June 20) is alexandrite. This stone contributes to the awakening and development of strong character traits, the preservation and enhancement of financial well-being. Moonstone, amber, citrine, tiger's and cat's eyes, agate, onyx, jade, turquoise also help Gemini on the path of life.

Step 4

Those who were born under the sign of Cancer (June 21 - July 22), astrologers advise to have an emerald as a talisman. It protects its owner from evil eyes, preserves the family hearth, soothes and drives away baseless worries, improves the emotional state and kindles sparks of talent. In addition, stones such as heliotrope, moonstone, ruby, pearls are suitable for Cancer.

Step 5

Amber has a positive effect on Lviv (23 July - 22 August). This stone makes its owner cheerful, magnanimous and generous, protects against envy and anger, and helps to normalize sleep. A sensible solution for Leo would be to surround himself with such stones as aquamarine, diamond, topaz, sardonyx, alexandrite, heliodor.

Step 6

Astrologers consider jade to be the best talisman for Virgo (August 23 - September 22). He softens the soul of Virgos, makes them more human, gives good luck in business and on the love front. Also charms for Virgins are gems such as jasper, chrysolite, lapis lazuli, topaz, malachite, carnelian, pearls.

Step 7

Libra (September 23 - October 22) is protected by a diamond. This gem will give firmness and courage to make important decisions, drive away negative energy and give an incentive to move in the right direction. Important talismans for Libra are: aquamarine, lapis lazuli, tourmaline, opal.

Step 8

Scorpions (October 23 - November 21) are beneficially affected by hematite. It helps Scorpio to understand his own feelings and emotions, contributes to the development of purposefulness and flexibility of thinking, gives wisdom to find the right words when communicating with relatives. Also, the following gems are suitable for this sign: opal, cat's eye, yellow topaz, topaz, coral, carnelian.

Step 9

The best mascot for Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) is turquoise. It protects its owner from troubles and misfortunes, improves health, and helps to strengthen relationships with people. Stones such as chrysolite, tiger's eye, topaz, amethyst, lapis lazuli are also good amulets.

Step 10

Astrologers consider opal to be the main amulet of Capricorn (December 22 - January 19). This stone contributes to the achievement of goals, the search for various ways to solve problems, strengthens health, gives courage. In addition, pomegranate, ruby, agate, carnelian, onyx are suitable for Capricorns.

Step 11

Those born under the sign of Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) are patronized by pomegranates. It gives physical strength and stamina, helps build friendships and personal life, relieves stress. Quartz, amethyst, sapphire, aquamarine, jade can help in various situations.

Step 12

The best charm for Pisces (February 19 - March 20) is opal. This stone gives Pisces strength and energy, brings happiness in love, protects against ill-wishers, enhances creativity and mental potential. Also strong charms for Pisces are gems such as coral, moonstone, agate, aquamarine, amethyst.
