The unobtrusive magic of stones has long attracted and agitated people with its silent secret, keeping a deep imprint of time. After all, the very structure of the stone contains a close interweaving of the elements or energies that participated in its creation. That is why each stone is unique, like any of us. He also has his own character and pronounced properties. Stones can protect from the evil eye, from disease and failure, promote creativity, attract good luck, or help in personal affairs.

Step 1
If you discard all the tinsel that reigns in the jewelry business, forget everything that you know or have heard about stones, and stay alone with them - sooner or later each stone will "tell" you its amazing story, reveal its wild nature and evoke reciprocal feelings in your soul, which will be the main and only criterion of your choice. How many of us are capable of such a feat of unity with nature?
Step 2
Some stones are chosen once and for life, others can come to you at a certain period of life, play their role and disappear forever. So much has been said and written about stones, many ways have been invented to classify and identify them, dozens of ways to make a choice are also listed. For example: by the sign of the zodiac, by the month of birth, by the day of the week, by the color of the eyes and even by the blood type. It's up to you, of course.
Step 3
So the Sun is the king of all planets, governs Sunday, representatives of power, self-esteem and social status, and from stones - a ruby, and its "prototypes", i.e. all shades of ruby and blood red.
Step 4
The moon is associated with Monday, infancy, emotions, mental activity, pearls and milky white hues.
Step 5
Mars represents warriors and athletes, associated with Tuesday and coral.
Step 6
Mercury - the god of arts, crafts and communication, most vividly represented by emerald and all shades of green, governs the environment.
Step 7
Jupiter is the significator of lawyers, spiritual seekers, children and good luck, his day is Thursday, the stone is yellow sapphire, zircon and all yellow shades.
Step 8
Venus is the patroness of beauty, love, luxury and artists, her day is Friday, stone is a diamond and all transparent sparkling stones.
Step 9
And finally, Saturn - the ruler of time - rules the Sabbath, represents monks, workers, democracy, from stones - blue sapphire and all dark nondescript stones.
Step 10
There are stones that contain the maximum energy of each of the planets, “its stones”. And an experienced Vedic astrologer will help you correct the negative influence of the planet and strengthen the positive by recommending wearing this or that stone. At the same time, he will indicate the criteria for choosing a stone: size, clarity of structure, type of cut (gold or silver), type of product, how to wear it, etc. In this case, the stone really becomes your friend and guardian.
Step 11
The philosophy of choice is to correctly determine the prevailing trend in your destiny in general and at the moment in particular.