Since ancient times, it has been known about the miraculous effect on well-being and human health. With the help of talisman stones, they lowered pressure, tamed a violent temper, increased female and male strength. They did not forget about the beauty of this material: to this day, jewelry made of stones is in great demand. To choose your stone that will balance your innate qualities and protect you from dangers, you need to listen to your inner voice and understand a little about astrology.

Step 1
Finding your own stone is not easy now, if only for the reason that often artificially grown analogs are sold under the guise of natural stones, or even just a plastic fake. Look for a place that sells real stones.
Step 2
When choosing a stone, be guided by your own opinion: do you like the stone, does it attract you, is there any strange connection? If you examined the entire store and did not find anything, then it simply is not here.
Step 3
If you don't trust your intuition, consult astrological reference books. Find out which stone is right for you according to your zodiac sign. Here is a short list of zodiacal stones:
Aquarius - garnet and zircon.
Fish - pearls, amethyst.
Aries - diamond (diamond), ruby.
Taurus turquoise, sapphire.
Gemini - agate, chrysolite, beryl.
Cancer - moonstone, emerald, cat's eye.
Lion - amber, chrysolite, topaz.
Virgo - jade, carnelian.
Scorpio - aquamarine, carbuncle, coral.
Sagittarius - amethyst, topaz, chrysolite.
Capricorn - ruby, onyx, malachite.
Please note that the zodiac sign is determined only by the position of the Sun. It is possible that this star has little effect on you, but other stars and planets may be important. Find out more about the position of the stars at the time of your birth and choose a stone according to it.