Since time immemorial, people have successfully used the properties of stones, attributing miraculous powers to them. Minerals not only healed from various ailments, but also helped in a variety of matters: they gave strength and confidence, attracted love and good luck. This is not surprising - the stones are alive, exactly like everything else on our planet. The French biologist Demon conducted numerous experiments and was amazed: the stones not only live, but also breathe, pulsate, even move. All this is happening very slowly, because this is a different form of life, different from ours. Nevertheless, stones still help a person - they heal, advise, protect, and it makes sense to listen to their voice. How to recognize your stone and use it to its advantage?

Step 1
In the old days there was a method for defining a "related" stone, it is still relevant today. The stone is tied to the middle of the outside of the arm, near the left shoulder, and left overnight. Dreams are analyzed in the morning. If they are calm and pleasant, then the stone will bring health and happiness, and if nightmares tormented at night, then such a stone is not good. The neutral effect of the stone can be judged by the absence of dreams.
Step 2
To protect against negative energy and general recovery of the body, the following actions are carried out: they hold the stone in their hand and sit with their eyes closed for half an hour, in the absence of external stimuli. At this time, you can turn on pleasant music.
Step 3
Massage with stones is very useful. To do this, take two or three stones, place them at a distance of 15 cm from each other and roll them over the surface of the body with rotating movements for 15 to 20 minutes. The body receives the necessary energy boost and the restoration of the nervous system.
Step 4
If internal pains bother or the wound aches, a thread is tied to the stone and rotated counterclockwise over the problem area until the unpleasant sensations disappear.
Step 5
Water charged with its own stone will help to raise the tone and normalize the digestive tract. To do this, a stone is dipped into a glass of pure spring water at night, and the resulting healing drink is taken on an empty stomach in the morning.