Which Stone Corresponds To This Or That Sign Of The Zodiac

Which Stone Corresponds To This Or That Sign Of The Zodiac
Which Stone Corresponds To This Or That Sign Of The Zodiac

For a long time, astrologers have discovered that each semiprecious and precious stone corresponds to a certain sign of the zodiac. It is believed that a person who wears jewelry with a suitable stone receives a charge of positive energy. It has a beneficial effect on his mood and health, and even provides magical protection. So which stones are recommended for your zodiac sign and why.

Which stone corresponds to this or that sign of the zodiac
Which stone corresponds to this or that sign of the zodiac

Stones of the zodiac signs


For Aries, the diamond will be the best talisman. It gives him the strength to overcome any difficulties, strengthens perseverance and encourages in moments of mental weakness. Amethyst soothes and relieves stress, sapphire will help you not to lose self-control, and ruby - to cope with mental pain.


For Taurus, the main stone is the emerald. He gives joy, fun and spiritual harmony, restraining harmful passions. Chrysoprase gives Taurus determination and protects against losses and failures, helps to achieve success. Chalcedony gives joy and restores inner strength.


Gemini stones: agate, alexandrite, beryl and topaz. Agate teaches Gemini to be patient and helps them make the right decision. Alexandrite calms the nerves and smooths out conflict situations. Beryl brings good luck and helps to achieve the desired results, helps to strengthen family relationships. Topaz calms and balances emotions, calms Gemini in case of nervous exhaustion.


Talismans for people born under the sign of Cancer are: pearls, emerald, moonstone and "cat's eye". Pearls develops Cancer's intuition, attracts good luck and serves as a reliable amulet against negative energy. Emerald cheers up and relieves of sad thoughts. "Cat's eye" protects against damage. The moonstone solves problems in matters of the heart and rewards the gift of eloquence and persuasion.

a lion

People born under the sign of Leo draw their energy from the Sun, therefore amber brings happiness only to this sign. Chrysolite improves Leo's relationship with others, makes him stronger and reveals hidden potential. Topaz helps Leo climb the career ladder and win the favor of his superiors.


Jade and jasper bring happiness to Virgos. Jasper will help Virgo to improve family relationships and become more tolerant. Jade strengthens vitality and protects against diseases.


Aquamarine, lapis lazuli and tourmaline are suitable for this sign. With aquamarine, it will become easier to endure the sudden mood swings that are characteristic of the representatives of this sign. Lapis lazuli clears the mind and preserves youth. Tourmaline enhances the positive qualities of Libra and has a positive effect on the endocrine system.


Suitable stones are garnet and black opal. Magical properties are attributed to the grenade. This stone is able to bestow power over people, and it is also called the stone of fidelity, friendship and gratitude. Black opal calms Scorpio and teaches them to know themselves and improve themselves.


Yellow topaz, turquoise and chrysolite are suitable for this zodiac sign. Turquoise brings Sagittarius good luck in business and brings material prosperity. It is better to wear jewelry with topaz on the road. Chrysolite helps to develop intuition and warns against rash actions.


Ruby, onyx and green malachite are suitable for people born under this sign. Ruby will bring happiness in love to Capricorn and help to gain favor from others. Onyx will give power over people, and unravel the secret plans of rivals. Malachite has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and relieves insomnia.


The stones of this sign are amethyst and zircon. Amethyst helps Aquarius to gain faith in their own strengths and better concentrate on the task at hand. Also, amethyst protects Aquarius from envious and dishonest people. Zircon improves mental abilities and awakens Aquarius' desire for science.


Lucky stones for Pisces are aquamarine, amethyst and pearls. Aquamarine gives Pisces courage and self-esteem. Amethyst brings good luck, it is easier to achieve reciprocity in love with it. Pearls Promote Well-Being and Longevity

What stones should not be worn

Each sign of the zodiac has its own antipode. This is a sign that is 180 degrees away from it in a circle.

Aries - Libra, Taurus - Scorpio, Gemini - Sagittarius, Cancer - Capricorn, Leo - Aquarius, Virgo - Pisces. The stones of these pairs of signs are contraindicated for each other, and it is advisable to take this into account when choosing your talisman.
