Which Zodiac Sign Is Which Cat Is Suitable

Which Zodiac Sign Is Which Cat Is Suitable
Which Zodiac Sign Is Which Cat Is Suitable

Horoscopes are always popular at all times. From them, people try to find out their fate, to unravel the character of another person, to check their compatibility with the object of sympathy. But it turns out that a horoscope can also affect the choice of a four-legged friend, for example, a cat.

Which zodiac sign is which cat is suitable
Which zodiac sign is which cat is suitable

Cats for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer

Most often, people prefer pets that are close to them in character. Energetic, active Aries are approached by the same as themselves, cocky and always ready to throw themselves into a fight Burmese or Siamese cats.

For the lover of home coziness and comfort of Taurus, the luxurious Persian cat will be the most suitable. However, if he finds it too difficult to care for her fluffy coat, you can get a British shorthair.

Physically and intellectually developed Gemini will best find a common language with no less active and intelligent Thai, Abyssinian or Scottish Fold cats.

The best friend of a gentle and quivering Cancer will be a soft and affectionate Siberian cat. In addition, such cat breeds as Neva Masquerade, Munchkin or Devon Rex can be suitable for Cancer.

Regal and graceful cats for Leo, Virgo and Libra

Since Leo himself belongs to the feline family, he may like a wide variety of cat breeds. Perhaps best suited to him is the reserved and independent British Shorthair or Scottish Fold cat.

Excellent friends for sophisticated and intelligent Virgos will be the same refined and graceful Russian blue or obedient and quick-witted American shorthaired.

Libra striving for beauty and harmony will get along best with fluffy Angora beauties. In addition, a shaggy chinchilla is perfect for them.

Which cats are suitable for Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn

Strong and rebellious Scorpios will prefer the society of cats of "wild" breeds. For example, Bengali or Siamese.

The most suitable company for the freedom-loving Sagittarius may be the Maine Coon or the Norwegian Forest Cat.

For smart and stubborn Capricorns, the smart and friendly Siberian cat is best suited.

The most original and mysterious cats for Aquarius and Pisces

Since Aquarians are distinguished by their originality of character, unusual cats will be the most suitable for them: Abyssinians, Sphynxes, Bobtails or Devon Rexes.

The mysterious Norwegian Forest Cat is best for ambivalent and dreamy Pisces. They may also like Burmese cats or chinchillas.

However, there are much more cat breeds than zodiac signs, and mongrel cats deserve no less love and attention. Therefore, when choosing a pet, you should listen not only to the recommendations of astrologers, but also to the voice of your own heart.
