Which Cat Suits The Zodiac Sign

Which Cat Suits The Zodiac Sign
Which Cat Suits The Zodiac Sign

The zodiac sign endows a person with certain character traits and inclinations. Currently, there are many recommendations for each sign in a variety of life areas. Even a four-legged friend can be made based on the opinion of astrologers.

Which cat suits the zodiac sign
Which cat suits the zodiac sign

Breeds of cats for the signs of the Zodik of the elements of the Earth

Taurus are hardworking people who are calculating in achieving goals. Traditionally, Taurus is considered the most fortunate in money matters of all the signs of the zodiac. A Persian cat will suit him, as patient and very expensive for the price.

Virgos need a cat that fits perfectly into their daily routine. Such is the American shorthaired, obedient and docile cat. Very clean and intelligent in everyday life.

Capricorns are always full of secret ambitions, which they methodically implement. They are characterized by cold calculation in everything. A Thai cat, similar in character to a Siamese, is suitable for Capricorns.

Best cats for fire signs

Aries have a heavy explosive character, they are stubborn and persistent. They are not used to obeying, they will rather do it in defiance. A fiery red Burmese cat, a rather aggressive and cocky breed, will suit them.

Lions are leaders by nature, it is useless to tame them. A British cat, restrained and confident, will suit them. It is a self-sufficient animal and unobtrusive animal.

Sagittarius are social and freedom-loving people, they love travel. The breed of cats, the Ocicat, is suitable for them. The animal is characterized by vitality and activity, they are affectionate and love attention.

What cats are suitable for representatives of the element of Water

Cancers are very vulnerable and perceptive, devoted to loved ones. The Siberian cat is of the same character, beautiful and affectionate. It is known that these cats even came to the aid of their owners.

Scorpios have a strong character, they can be merciless and cruel. To achieve their goal, they can step over everything, and they are also characterized by rancor. They will surely like the Siamese cat, not devoid of mystery, cunning and cynicism.

Pisces are contradictory personalities, lovers of mysticism and mysteries. They often hover in the clouds, because those around them do not understand. The Norwegian Forest Cat has a similar disposition, which also keeps a little aloof.

Air Release and cat breeds

Gemini are distinguished by their inconstancy and love for changes in conditions, their intelligence is outstanding. An excellent breed of cats for them will be the Scottish Fold. This is a very friendly and unpretentious animal with a cheerful disposition.

Libras value beauty and harmony, they like high society. Angora cat will suit them, the same noble one. In addition, representatives of this breed often have multi-colored eyes, and Libra is a sign of duality.

Aquarians are honest people, very creative and intelligent. It is not easy to tie them to yourself, but if successful, this will be a bond for centuries. The Balinese cat has similar traits, loyalty and devotion coexist with sociability.