Images of small objects are most often part of a larger work. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly measure their size with the size of the rest of the elements of the picture. If you are painting a cigarette in someone else's portrait, it should blend in with the hand that is holding it. But a cigarette can also be part of a poster, for example, about the dangers of smoking. In this case, it should be very large, since it is the main element of the picture.

It is necessary
- -paper;
- -pencil;
- - colored pencils or paints.
Step 1
Find a spot on the sheet. If it is part of a portrait, draw a line for the length of the cigarette. This line can run, for example, between the middle and forefinger of the hand. Part of it will not be visible in this case. To sketch the poster, draw a long line in any direction. She can go even through the whole sheet. Only space should be left for the text.
Step 2
The cigarette is a long cylinder. Therefore, it must be drawn in the same way as any cylindrical object. Determine the ratio of the length to the width of the cigarette. Draw another line parallel to the existing line at a distance corresponding to the thickness of the cigarette.
Step 3
The round parts of a cylindrical object are usually seen as ovals to the observer. In this case, one oval is fully visible, and the other is partially. At one end of the cigarette, draw an oval between the long lines. If the cigarette with its open tobacco part is turned directly towards you, make the oval wide. It is almost a circle. Draw a flatter oval for the cigarette at an angle to the observer.
Step 4
Arc the lines of the other end of the cigarette. This arc will be parallel to the one closest to you. Only one part of it is visible. Departing from this edge about ¼ of the length, draw another arc parallel to the two already existing. She separates the filter. If you wish, you can depict a rim or two, they also represent arcs.
Step 5
If the size of the picture is small, you do not need to paint the cigarette at all. Draw a stream of smoke from the end where the tobacco is. Color the cigarette on the poster. Make the filter and tobacco light brown, and the main part of the cigarette white. First, paint the filter with the same paint over the entire area. Then darken the horizontal sides. Leave the middle of the main part of the cigarette white, and add a bluish or grayish layer along the long lines. Cover the oval in which the tobacco is visible with darker dots.