Asking a few bass players on how to wind strings will likely give you different advice. And even in the question of choosing the length of the strings, there are discrepancies. Previously, the strings could not be cut because the outer windings of cut strings could easily be unwound. Today, improved technology makes it possible to ensure that the end of the string will not break apart even after it is cut. So you can safely cut the strings if needed and pull on.

Step 1
One of the most common ways of stringing the strings to the tuning pegs of a bass guitar is called "Four pegs in a row". Remove the old E string first. For ease of operation and to avoid scratching the instrument, cut the end of the old string before pulling it out.
Step 2
Insert a new string into the hole on the back of the bridge and carefully thread it through the entire mechanism.
Step 3
Next, stretch the string to the tuning pegs. If it is too long, bend the string and cut the end. It is advisable not to forget about the bend, since it prevents its winding from sliding off the string.
Step 4
Now insert the tip of the string into the hole in the tuner. Pull the string through this hole and start winding it with the tuning pegs. Watch the string tension. During the entire process described, the string must be taut.
Step 5
The second turn should be lower than the first, which will provide good lateral tension, as well as a clear contact between the nut and the string.
Step 6
When you have half a tone to fine tune, press down on the string near the bridge to bend it to ensure optimal retention of the string being pulled.
Step 7
Now pull on the E string. To do this, you need to pull on it. Hold this string at the twelfth fret, play it, release your finger.
Step 8
Now repeat the above steps with the rest of the strings.