The perceived deterioration in the sound of the guitar and the occurrence of problems with its tuning in most cases is due to aging of the strings. Under the influence of a stress exceeding their elastic limit, and oxidizing when the fat is absorbed from the skin of the fingers, the strings periodically require replacement.

Step 1
Place the strings on the guitar tuners. Stretch the string so that the knot on the stand does not come loose. Wrap the free end of the string around the shaft and start winding it. In this case, the string should be wound along with its tail. Remember to hold the string with your hand until it stretches on its own.
Step 2
Do not wrap too many strings on the shaft, avoid piling up the turns on each other: two overlaps will be enough. Pull the tail of the string in the opposite direction of winding and carefully place the turns one after the other. If you prefer to keep the ends of the strings long, place them so that they do not tangle with each other.
Step 3
Pull the strings forcibly to speed up their installation. Pull the string up two centimeters. To release the string from the slot in the nut and on the stand, slide your finger firmly along its entire length several times. Pull up the string after the tone drops. Make sure that the turns when the string is pulled do not rest against the head body: this is fraught with bifurcation and breakage of the string.
Step 4
Install strings starting with strings one and six. In this way, the tucked strings will not interfere with your installation of the following ones. To avoid skewing the strings by installing them in the shaft hole, wind the first and sixth strings to the edges, and the remaining strings to the middle of the guitar neck. Make sure the string comes out onto the nut on top of the shaft.