Every watch needs nourishment. Electronic watches need to change the batteries periodically, and mechanical watches need to be wound up from time to time. How to properly wind up a mechanical watch and set the time on it? After all, incorrect winding of watches can lead to their breakage.

Step 1
You can set the time on the watch dial by scrolling the hands, both forward and backward. Of course, it is better to rotate the arrows to the side where the number of revolutions is lower. But watches with a calendar and other complex functions are an exception. Such watches have different designs, so it is better to consult a representative of their manufacturer on a specific watch model. If in doubt, move the arrows only forward. And the calendar, along with other complex clock functions, is best set only after setting the time.
Step 2
The watch is wound in two ways: by rotating the crown back and forth or only forward. The second method is preferable to use, because this way the cam clutch and the winding tribe wear out less. Although it will be useful to turn the crown back during the winding process. This is necessary for redistribution in the lubrication mechanism.
Step 3
When setting the watch calendar manually, do not make sudden movements, so as not to damage the mechanism. These mechanisms are very delicate and are not designed for high speeds.
Step 4
A self-winding watch should only be wound when necessary. Most of these automatic watches do not need a regular daily morning "recharge". If the "automatic" spring is fully wound, then when you try to wind the watch manually, the mechanism can be damaged, even though the flywheel fixed on a special plate acts as a brake shoe and protects the winding mechanism from breakage.
Step 5
Nevertheless, even automatic watches still need manual winding. The fact is that the periodic winding of the watch helps to redistribute the lubricant in the winding mechanism and the rubber seal of the crown.
Step 6
Do not use force when pulling out the crown. If resistance is felt from its side, twist the crown gently and smoothly while pulling it out. This will allow you to align the cam clutch with the intermediate shift wheel. The head must also be returned to its place smoothly. If not, also twist it while pressing.
Step 7
And the last point: if you feel that the hands are difficult to translate and the watch has become harder to wind up, it means that the repair of your watch needs to be re-lubricated. A repair is called a device that is part of the clock mechanism, which includes units for translating the hands and winding the spring.