A twin sewing machine needle is essentially two needles in one holder. When sewing with such a needle, a pair of lines with straight stitches are obtained on the face, and one zigzag on the wrong side.

Step 1
There are three types of twin needles - stretch, denim and wagon - used depending on the type of fabric. The numbering of double needles coincides with the numbering of ordinary needles, but in addition, the distance between them in millimeters is displayed through a fraction.
Step 2
You can put a twin needle on the machine if it can sew with a zigzag stitch and the thread is front. In addition, the distance between the needles must be equal to or less than the maximum zigzag width allowed on the machine.
Step 3
Insert the needle before threading. Point the flat part of the holder towards the back and the round part towards the front. Install two spools unwinding in opposite directions. Otherwise (with unidirectional unwinding) the threads will intertwine and become tangled.
Step 4
Thread the threads in the usual way, leading together from the spools to the entrances of the ears. Only at this moment, separate them in different directions. Insert both threads into different thread guides, but if there is only one thread on the machine, insert one thread and release the other. Insert the threads in the usual way, only by hand. Do not use an automatic device.
Step 5
Use the zigzag or satin stitch foot. The thread tension depends on the density of the fabric (the thinner it is, the weaker it is).