What Are Fortune-telling With A Needle And Thread

What Are Fortune-telling With A Needle And Thread
What Are Fortune-telling With A Needle And Thread

There are a large number of divination with a needle and thread. These sewing items will help you find out the name of the future husband, gender and number of children, as well as give answers to other questions of interest.

fortune telling
fortune telling

At all times, people have tried to look into the future, to lift the veil of secrecy. For these purposes, a variety of magical rituals and objects were used, including a needle and thread. Girls in Russia often resorted to fortune-telling with a needle and thread, because these objects were in every home, and the reliability of the results obtained was confirmed in most cases. What kind of fortune-telling is there with the help of these sewing materials?

How to find out the name of the husband, as well as the number and gender of children

What young lady is not interested in knowing the name of her future husband? You can try to find out with the help of such fortune-telling: in the evening, prepare small-sized pieces of paper and write full male names on them. The more names will be present in the ritual, the greater the chance of getting accurate information about the name of the groom. A regular basin needs to be filled with water, sticky notes on its sides and put under the bed. From now on, you cannot talk to anyone. Tie a red thread on the wrist of the hand, and put the needle at the head of the bed and go to bed. In the morning before sunrise, break the thread, insert it into the needle and throw it into the basin. What name the spearhead points to, so the name of the betrothed will be.

With the help of a needle and thread, you can find out the number of future children and their gender. To do this, insert a white thread into the needle, and hold the knot at the end in your right hand. Take the thumb of the left hand away from the rest, circle it three times with a needle and carefully bring it to the center of the palm. If the needle and thread begin to swing across the palm, there will be a girl, and if along - a boy. Fortune-telling can be repeated several times, as long as the needle is swinging. If the needle didn't move from the very beginning, there won't be any children at all.

Fortune telling with several needles and a homemade dial

A girl who already has a heartfelt friend can get information about further relationships with him using the above sewing items. True, fortune-telling can be carried out only once a year on your birthday. It is necessary to take two needles of different sizes: the smaller one will symbolize the woman, the larger one - the man. Having lubricated the needles with oil, they must be placed in a bowl of water: first a small one, then a large one. If the needles are connected along the entire length, the union will be long and happy. If they touched each other, then the relationship will hold out for some time, and then a break will occur. If the needles diverge in different directions, the pair will not be together.

A needle and thread and a homemade dial, on which only two glories "yes" and "no" are written, can provide answers to your questions. Having marked the middle on the round canvas, you need to put the tip of the needle there, and hold the thread in your left hand. Concentrating, ask the question of interest and wait for the needle swinging in one direction or another to "give" an answer. Then you can ask the next question.
