New Year is a long-awaited holiday, on the eve of which almost all families decorate their homes. In addition to the Christmas tree, garlands and tinsel, many people use all kinds of figurines in the decor of the premises, for example, snowmen, which remind of the approach of a magical winter holiday. Naturally, such crafts can be purchased in almost any store, but it will be much cheaper to make them with your own hands, using the materials that are in every home.

It is necessary
- - white and black threads;
- - three balloons;
- - glue;
- - black and orange cardboard;
- - a flap of red cloth;
- - red colored paper.
Step 1
Take three balloons and inflate them with a diameter of 10, 15 and 20 centimeters (if you need a large craft, then increase the diameter of the balloons to the required size). Tie the balls up so they don't deflate.
Step 2
Take PVA glue and pour it into a bowl. Unwind a ball of white thread, place it in a bowl of glue and leave for a few minutes (for soaking). Wrap each ball with the threads soaked in glue so that there are gaps through which you can see the ball itself. Leave the blanks for about an hour to dry slightly.
Step 3
Over time, pierce the balls with a needle, separate them from the threads and remove. Let the workpieces dry thoroughly, and for this leave them for a couple of hours in a warm room. If there is no time to wait, then dry the balls with a hairdryer.
Step 4
Glue the dried blanks together using PVA glue in the form of a pyramid, that is, first glue a medium-sized ball to the largest ball, and the smallest to the middle one. The base of the snowman is ready, now you can start decorating it.
Step 5
From black cardboard, cut two circles with a diameter of one centimeter and glue them to the smaller ball in the form of eyes. Make a cone shape out of orange cardboard and glue the nose to the snowman's face. From black threads, weave a braid five to seven centimeters long and decorate the snowman's mouth with it.
Step 6
From the red fabric, cut a rectangle 20 cm long and five wide. Tie the blank around the snowman's "neck" to simulate a scarf.
Step 7
Cut out the shape shown in the photo from red paper and glue it along the red lines. Glue the resulting cap to the snowman's head and decorate if desired.

Step 8
A decorative snowman made of threads is ready. To keep the item stable, either place it in a suitably sized flower pot or glue it to a pretty tray.