A self-made snowman will always delight the eye by decorating a Christmas tree. Children are very fond of doing needlework, and even more interesting in twins, when parents help. In order to make a snowman on your own, it is not necessary to have special tools and knowledge, the availability of improvised means will be sufficient.

Sometimes you need a small gift, but you don't want to buy banal sweets or a mug. In such cases, gifts made with their own hands will help out. They will delight a small child or show your attention to an adult. A snowman made from improvised means is suitable as such a souvenir for the New Year. It can be placed under the Christmas tree, or maybe it will become part of the New Year's composition of fir branches on the windowsill.
Snowman made of thread balls
You will need strong threads to make it. It is better if they are thick and cotton, but ordinary sewing threads will work. The color of the thread does not have to be white, light gray or blue will do. You will also need PVA glue, a thick needle and balloons. Balls will need at least 3 pieces. You can take 5 balls if you want to make a snowman with hands.
Inflate 3 balls for the head and torso of the snowman. If your snowman will be with hands, then inflate 2 more small balloons. Remember how you sculpted snowmen from snow, balls of these proportions are what you need. Thread the needle and pierce the container with PVA glue with the needle at a level of 1–2 cm from the bottom. If you are sorry to spoil the container for glue, then pour it into a plastic bottle. Stick the needle out and let the thread remain threaded through the bottle. Start wrapping your balls with some thread that has been smeared with glue.
The threads should tightly wrap the ball, not sagging, but not pinching it. Wrap your balls evenly and leave to dry until the glue hardens. This will take approximately 5 hours. Now the best part is that the balloons have to burst and be pulled out. Now the balls need to be fastened together with glue, or by tying them with threads, glue the paper eyes and nose with a carrot. For beauty, you can also tie a scarf made of a suitable fabric around the snowman's neck.
Snowman made of pom poms
The second method of making a snowman from threads will require yarn, cardboard, a piece of wire and a little time from you. It is good if the threads are thick, for example, woolen for knitting. You need to make 3 pom-poms. To do this, make cardboard blanks. Draw with a compass on cardboard two circles with a radius of 2.5 cm, 2 cm and 1.5 cm. A total of 6 pieces. Then, inside each circle, draw a second one with radii of 1.8 cm, 1 cm and 0.8 cm, respectively. Cut out the cardboard bagels. Fold circles of the same radius in pairs. Wrap 3–5 layers of thread tightly onto each cardboard blank.
Ideally, the inner hole in the cardboard blank should be completely hidden by the threads. To make it convenient, the thread needs to be cut into pieces of 1, 5-2 meters long. When the thread ends, the end and the end of a new piece of thread should be cut flush with the edge.
When 3 blanks are ready, you need to carefully cut the threads around the outer perimeter with manicure scissors, while pushing the ends of the scissors between two cardboard bagels. And then fasten the pom-poms with another 20-centimeter piece of thread, threading the thread between the rings and tightening the knot for several turns.
To fasten the pom-poms together, you need a wire or a thin wooden skewer. String pom-poms on it. For decoration, make the snowman paper eyes, nose and hands. Glue them to the pom-poms with PVA glue or any quick-drying glue. If you knit a small scarf for a snowman from bright yarn, then the snowman will turn out to be even prettier.