You can not buy a gift for the New Year, but make it yourself. Such an exclusive present can be either additional to the one purchased in the store, or the main one. But in any case, it will become a wonderful sign of attention, love and care.

Step 1
If you know how to knit, you can make a warm winter sweater, scarf or hat for your mom. Such gifts are very relevant in the cold season, besides, they will remind of you and the warmth of your hands. If you know how to embroider well, embroider a beautiful picture or even a portrait of your mother. Embroidery patterns for paintings can be found in many magazines, and you can make a portrait embroidery scheme yourself by taking a photo and breaking it into squares of the desired size in a graphic editor.
Step 2
Draw a wall newspaper entirely dedicated to your mom. To do this, you need to take as many pictures as possible in advance, choose the best ones, process them in a graphic editor and print. Stick photos on cardboard and make a variety of funny captions to them. You can also compose a New Year's greetings in verse and write it in the wall newspaper. Do not skimp on warm, affectionate words - let your mother know that you love her very much.
Step 3
Make a selection of your mom's favorite songs and record an exclusive music CD especially for her. For such a disc, it is recommended to make a beautiful insert with congratulations, New Year's drawings and a list of songs. You can make such an insert yourself in a graphic editor and then print it on glossy paper.
Step 4
You can also give your mom her portrait in a beautiful frame. Choose a photo of your mother that you like the most, process it in a graphic editor and print on canvas (many specialized firms offer this service). This will make a beautiful portrait. Buy a suitable sized wooden frame and a variety of accessories to decorate it (for example, small stuffed toys, buttons, beads, sequins, threads, etc.) Use glue to secure these decorations to the frame, and then sprinkle the glitter hairspray on top. Frame the portrait. The gift is ready!