The snow globe is an interesting toy, a wonderful decor element that brings a festive mood. It is believed that one hundred such crafts began to be made in France in the 19th century. However, at present, during the New Year and Christmas holidays, a similar souvenir can be purchased in many shops. But why buy? After all, you can create a "snow globe" with your own hands, which will be unusual, author's, and exactly in a single copy. Such a souvenir will be a great gift for friends and relatives.

Necessary materials
We all know that a snow globe is a kind of container, inside which you can see trees, animals, people and even a whole town. In order to make a "snow globe" yourself, you need to decide what you want to place inside the ball, which means you will need:
Small, depending on the size of the ball, plastic figures (decorative), spruce branches and other elements that you want to see inside. It is important that these elements do not dissolve in water.
You also need the shell itself, i.e. ball. For these purposes, you can use a regular jar with a screw cap (for example, from under baby food) or, if you decide to make a toy large, then cans from canned peas, corn, gherkins, etc. will do.
One of the peculiarities of the "snow globe" is the fact that if you shake it, real winter sets in inside. To do this, you will need sequins, beads, sequins, you can cut the Christmas tree rain into small pieces. In general, you need something that will resemble falling snow. In order for the "snow" not to fall too quickly, you need glycerin, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, and distilled water. You can make the water yourself. To do this, bring the water in the teapot to a boil, hang a glass jar on the spout of the teapot, and put a bowl underneath it. When boiling water, steam through the spout of the teapot will enter the jar, cooling down, turning into drops of water, already distilled, and draining into a bowl. Or you can take regular bottled water.
You will also need superglue and tape for decoration.
Assembling the toy
Attach decorative figures to the bottom of the lid with superglue, pour 2/3 water into the jar, add glycerin to the rest. You should not fill the jar with liquid to the very edges, as it is necessary to take into account that when the figures are immersed, the liquid will rise. Fill in the sparkles (their amount depends on your desire, but do not overdo it) and mix everything well with a stick or spoon. Now screw the lid back on tightly, turn the jar over, placing it on the lid, make sure it is tightly closed and no liquid comes out. Decorate the lid with decorative tape. The "snow globe" is ready. Now, if you shake it, you can enjoy the falling snow, or you can give it to loved ones for the New Year holidays.