How To Make A Mock-up Of A Tank

How To Make A Mock-up Of A Tank
How To Make A Mock-up Of A Tank

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A mock-up of a tank can be made from such improvised means as matchboxes, plain and corrugated paper. Even a child can make a small tank, it will be a good gift for dad, for example, on February 23rd or New Year.

How to make a mock-up of a tank
How to make a mock-up of a tank

It is necessary

  • - 3 matchboxes;
  • - corrugated and colored paper;
  • - glue;
  • - cover from an ordinary thin notebook, wallpaper, wrapping paper or any other green paper;
  • - plastic bottle cap.


Step 1

Take green wrapping paper and wrap two matchboxes placed side by side (you can even glue the boxes together). Wrap the paper carefully so that the boxes are completely green. Cover the edges with tape or glue. Wrap the third box in the same way.

Step 2

Make a mock-up of the tank - put the double box down, and glue the single box on top in the center. As a result, you will get the general outlines of the future T-34 tank.

Step 3

Take the cap from a plastic bottle, grease the edges with glue and apply on top, wait until it dries - this will be the tank hatch cover.

Step 4

To make caterpillars, take corrugated paper, cut out two identical strips. Try on the strips on the tank and cut off any excess. If you do not have corrugated paper, use a longer length of plain paper, then fold it evenly with an accordion. Glue the tracks to the tank on both sides.

Step 5

Cut out small circles - wheels from colored paper. Note that there must be the same number of wheels on each side. Glue the wheels to the end of the bottom of the tank. Keep in mind that the more wheels there are, the more believable the model of the tank will look.

Step 6

Roll a tube out of thick paper, secure the edge with glue or tape. You can also use any plastic tube, such as a juice tube, as a muzzle.

Step 7

Make a hole in the upper part of the tank (box) with an awl or screwdriver, insert the resulting muzzle inside. It can be additionally secured with tape if it sits loosely. If you want the muzzle to move while aiming, make it longer and just slide it into the hole.

Step 8

To make a large tank, instead of matchboxes, use juice boxes, and instead of a hatch, use a plastic lid from a coffee can or any other. The main thing is to choose materials by size.
