Many people have found themselves in a kind of hobby called paper crafts. Don't laugh and think it's as easy as it sounds. In fact, this is a real art, which requires a lot of skill, skill and talent. Almost everyone can learn a technique, but creating something new is a much more serious task. As they say, try yourself first in a simple task. For example, cut an even circle out of paper. Elementary, in your opinion? And yet … Even for performing such an elementary action, a variety of methods can be used.

Step 1
Method 1. Form. If you already have a similar circle, you can attach it to paper, trace and cut out. The problem in this case will be only that for further work it will be extremely difficult for you to determine the center of the circle.
Step 2
Method 2. Metal stencil. This special tool will make it easier for you to draw the correct circle to cut. Place the stencil on a drawing paper or piece of paper. And, having fixed it, cut a circle along its contour using scissors or a knife, whichever is at hand. The disadvantage of the method is everything in the same center of the circle, and also in the fact that the stencil tends to slide out of its place, and therefore, without skill, the circles turn out to be oblique.
Step 3
Method 3. Compasses. The most basic way to draw a circle. Select the compass and set the required radius. Do not trust the eye, use a ruler. Draw a circle with a compass, being careful not to interrupt the line. Hold the compass tightly, do not let the tip of the pencil come off the sheet of paper. This can lead to the fact that the line is interrupted, and the center is lost, then the circle will turn out to be uneven. Now quietly cut out the circle.
Step 4
Method 4. Tools at hand. If you have neither a stencil nor a compass at hand, improvised means, such as plates, pans, will save you. Just pick an item that fits your circle. Place the same plate inside diameter on a piece of paper and trace with a pencil. That's all. Cut it out.
Step 5
Method 5. It is not required to draw the actual circle. Fold the square sheet in half, then in half again. You will get a four-layer square. Now fold it diagonally, aligning the corners well. You will get a multi-layered triangle, one of the vertices of which does not delaminate. Take this very vertex and cut the triangle in half from corner to corner. Unfold what is left in your hand. You should get a completely even circle.