How To Quickly Learn To Knit

How To Quickly Learn To Knit
How To Quickly Learn To Knit

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Looking with admiration at the amazing hand-knitted products, many have the idea of trying themselves in the role of a needlewoman more than once. However, often the plans to translate them into reality remain dreams, justifying this by the lack of perseverance, irritability, or simply insufficient desire to engage in their own "handicraft" self-education. However, whoever wants to will find every opportunity not only to learn the basics of knitting, but also to do it quickly enough.

How to quickly learn to knit
How to quickly learn to knit

It is necessary

  • - yarn;
  • - knitting needles;
  • - a ball of thread with a secret.


Step 1

Not everyone can perceive the drawings in knitting books, and therefore it is better to turn to someone who already has experience, even if only insignificant. If there are no such needlewomen nearby, then use the videos, a large number of which are on the Internet. In them, each element is disassembled step by step. Knitting is based on just a few elements, which in various combinations create the most intricate patterns. This includes knitting the front and back stitches, yarn over and knitting 2 stitches together. Therefore, your training program must be oriented towards practicing these particular elements.

Step 2

Nice to the touch yarn is pleasant to work with, and therefore, even for practice, pick it up with a good even structure. Otherwise, the thread itself can become a source of irritation. Choose the tone that is most pleasant for yourself, which can be one of the small incentives to work (it is interesting to see how the sample will look like). Do not skimp on knitting needles, especially since there is no shortage of them in retail outlets. It is good to start on needles 3-3, 5, and with a special coating, as they glide well. In addition, they are very comfortable to hold in your hands, especially since the edges are moderately sharpened, and this will avoid injuries in the form of injections.

Step 3

First, cast on the needles 20-25 loops, then remove the first loop, and then try to knit a row with front loops. Usually, by the end of the first row, an inexperienced knitter begins to tighten the muscles of the back, and the hands from the tension of the subsequent loops are knitted tighter and tighter. You should not immediately give up unfinished work. Set aside knitting for a few minutes, get up, walk, do a few exercises (or at least stretch), shake your hands. The experience of the first row (albeit somewhat clumsy), as well as a short rest will help to gather courage for the second row. You can knit it with both front and back stitches - this is how they will "ask" for hands. After knitting the second row, rest again. Especially if the irritation starts to build up.

Step 4

Continue crocheting row by row. It's okay if some of the loops are lowered, and some will be larger than others in size. The first letters in the spelling are also usually far from ideal. However, first graders manage to learn to write. After a while, you yourself will notice that your hands get tired much less, and the knitting becomes more and more free. After you have knitted at least 20 rows, close the stitches. Wash the resulting sample, dry it on a flat surface and inspect. You will see that the results are not so bad.

Step 5

To have a good incentive for work, ask someone close to wind up a ball with a secret, putting some kind of surprise in it. For example, a piece of jewelry. Let the essence of the gift remain a secret until the end of the work. Try knitting a small piece. Cast on 30 loops and knit with the selected type of loops, remembering to remove the edge loop at the beginning of each row. Make yourself the mindset that you will receive your gift only at the end of the work, which will be the most effective incentive.
