How To Knit A Women's Hat Quickly And Easily

How To Knit A Women's Hat Quickly And Easily
How To Knit A Women's Hat Quickly And Easily

Have you dreamed of a homemade knitted headdress for a long time, but there was no time not only for needlework, but also for teaching it? Long winter holidays - it's time to try knitting a woman's hat. If you have already mastered the usual elastic band and the front surface, you can quickly and easily make a unique stylish product.

How to knit a woman's hat quickly and easily, source:
How to knit a woman's hat quickly and easily, source:

Knitted hat: a master class for beginners

Beautiful knitted hats often involve reducing the fabric to form a rounded top. If you haven't learned how to cut loops yet, a wonderful hat can be made from a single rectangular piece.

1. Measure the circumference of the head with a tailor's meter along the line above the forehead and along the most convex occipital part. Take measurements of the depth of the future product, which will be equal to the distance from the ears to the crown of the head.

2. Be sure to perform a knitting pattern with an elastic band 1x1 (alternating one front and one purl) or 2x2 (two front - two purl). Steam the canvas, carefully lay it out on a horizontal surface and use a ruler to select a square with sides of 10 cm. Count the rows in height and loops in length on your sample - this will help you determine exactly how many loops you need to dial for the bottom of the women's hat.

3. Cast on the required number of thread arms on the two straight knitting needles pressed against one another. It is important that the headgear rim fits well on the head and at the same time is comfortable to wear. The inlaid edge of the product should be equal to the coverage of the head minus 5 to 10 loops (depending on the thickness of the working yarn).

4. Gently pull one knitting needle out of the typesetting row and begin to knit straight and reverse women's hat. Tie an elastic band 6 cm high.

5. Continue knitting the rectangle with the front satin stitch until its height is equal to the depth of the cap. Do another 3-4 cm of knitting and pull the lace through the opening of the loop. Make a connecting seam by folding the knitted rectangle into a tube. You managed to knit a woman's hat with knitting needles, it remains only to tighten the crown of the head, make a strong knot and tie the cord with a bow.

Helpful advice:

How to knit a lace for a woman's hat

Knitted hats, tied at the crown of the head with a lace, look perky and stylish, and the functional element has an additional decorative function. Decide in advance on the length of the cord and type the required number of loops on a straight knitting needle. Remove the edge loop, follow the next one with the front loop and pull it through the removed one.

This way you will knit a row and close it at the same time. In this case, do not tighten the loops too tight. Having tied the lace, tighten the last loop and, when cutting the thread, leave a “tail” 4-6 cm long. Imperceptibly set it into the cord using a hook.

How can you complete knitting a women's hat

If a playful bow at the top of your head isn't your style, try finishing it in a different, simple way. Close the stitches of the last row of the rectangular knit, make a connecting seam and turn the hat inside out.

Sew the top of the cap, then fold the opposite edges into triangles and join them together with a few strong stitches. Turn the finished product inside out.

You can quickly master the formation of the top of a knitted hat on the basis of a rectangular cut detail. When you tie the headpiece to the beginning of the formation of the crown, begin to round the fabric with the help of decreasing the loops. To do this, mark 7 sections of the same length with bright threads on the working row.

When sewing the next knit row, knit adjacent stitches together before the beginning of each intended section. Cut the canvas through the row, and when 4 loops remain on the knitting needle, pull the thread through them, tighten and cut. The rest of the yarn you put on the seamy side of the knitted hat.