Animals can be depicted in a variety of painting techniques. But any artist must master the pencil - they can make a quick sketch or carefully write out the structure of the coat, the characteristic expression of the muzzle and other features of each particular animal. Try to draw a hare with a pencil - drawing this fluffy animal is very interesting.

It is necessary
- - the tablet;
- - drawing paper;
- - the pencils;
- - eraser;
- - stationery knife;
- - paper napkin.
Step 1
Find pictures and photos of a hare. Study them carefully. Estimate the proportions of the animal, its size, the shape of the muzzle, paws and ears. Choose a suitable angle in which the animal will look especially impressive.
Step 2
Attach a piece of paper to your tablet for easier drawing. Draw a straight line that will indicate the position of the body. At one end, draw a small vertical oval for the outline of the head. Draw a larger oval close to it - this is a outline for the future body of a hare. Draw the outline of the two legs extended forward under the front oval. On the head, outline long, slightly pointed ears, slightly laid back.
Step 3
Examine the drawing. Erase the extra lines, take a soft pencil and start drawing the muzzle. In its lower part, outline a large nose, in the upper - small, slightly slanting eyes. With small, parallel strokes of a pencil, place the shadow along the bridge of the nose. Darken the outside of the ears and make the tips black. Paint over the eyes and outline the mouth with a bold pencil line.
Step 4
Place the shadows on the front legs and upper back. Paint over the rest of the shape with lighter pencil strokes. Rub the lead with a corner of a paper napkin, achieving a smooth transition of tones.
Step 5
The most important point is the drawing of the structure of the coat. The beauty and liveliness of the drawing depends on this stage. Use a sharpened pencil with a soft lead. With even movements with moderate pressure on the pencil, make strokes that mimic the hair of an animal. Walk along the contour of the hare's body and the borders of the shadows laid on the skin. Apply strokes according to the growth of the coat.
Step 6
Take an eraser and sharpen the corner of it with a clerical knife. Follow the contours of the drawing, repeating the movement of the pencil with the eraser. Highlight the inner side of the ears. Add highlights in the eyes, and draw a mustache on the face. Draw black claws on the front legs.