In order to draw a hare, you can use the technique of constructing the body of an animal using auxiliary geometric shapes. Most often, ovals are used for this.

Step 1
Begin your drawing by constructing construction elements. Place a large oval in the center, it can be slightly tilted, draw a small one to the side of it. The first will be the body, the second will be the head. Keep in mind that an adult hare has a very small head compared to the body, so the first oval should be 4-5 times larger than the second.
Step 2
Draw connecting lines between the construction shapes. Since the hare is a shy creature, it often sucks in its neck, reflect this in the drawing. Select the protruding ribcage.
Step 3
Draw the hare's face. Sharpen the auxiliary oval, select the flat forehead, brow ridges. Note that the hare's eyes are on either side of the muzzle, not set straight. Shape your eyes into elongated ovals with a pointed outer corner. from the brow ridges draw lines to the tip of the hare's nose, it is covered with soft fur and does not have the skin, for example, on a cat. Draw two diverging lines for the nostrils. Round out the outlines of the muzzle at the nose, draw the cheeks under the eyes. Outline a small lower jaw, draw a mustache.
Step 4
Don't forget your ears. Please note that their size is very large, they can be a quarter longer than the muzzle, this is one of the main differences between a hare and a rabbit. On the outside, the ears are covered with tougher fur, on the inside - down.
Step 5
Outline the scruff of the neck and the area of the shoulder blades on the torso. Use strokes to highlight the softer and longer coat on the belly.
Step 6
Draw the paws of the hare. The forelimbs are thinner, their shoulders are often not visible behind the fur. The structure of the hare's hind legs is clearly visible, they are powerful, strong and rather long, which also distinguishes it from the rabbit. Draw the joints, long fingers, they are completely covered with fur.
Step 7
Draw a small fluffy tail.
Step 8
Erase construction lines.
Step 9
Start coloring. Remember that some (but not all) hares change color with the onset of cold weather. Use gray, brownish and white for the fur, brown for the eyes or red if the hare is white.