Joaquin Phoenix: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Joaquin Phoenix: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Joaquin Phoenix: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Joaquin Phoenix is the new0 contender for the role of the world famous antihero. Of course, it will be difficult to outshine Heath Ledger's Joker. But Joaquin is not just a great actor, he is also a master of transformation. Therefore, one of Batman's main rivals in his performance should turn out to be convincing and interesting.

Actor Joaquin Phoenix
Actor Joaquin Phoenix

I wonder why the directors see in this charismatic man predominantly negative characters? Perhaps the reason for this is the presence of a scar over the lip, thanks to which Joaquin's appearance takes on a peculiar, slightly frightening charm.

Regardless of the fact that he appears on the screens in the role of villains, in reality Joaquin is a kind-hearted man. He does not eat meat and is trying with all his might to protect the animals. And he does this not only in words. Joaquin is a member of the Society for the Protection of Animals, is one of its most active members.

Getting a scar and living on the road

The famous actor, whose popularity was brought by the motion picture "Gladiator", was born at the end of October 1974. Such a significant event took place in Puerto Rico. By the way, Joaquin's grandfather emigrated to America from Russia. In addition to the actor himself, the parents raised 4 more children.

Actor Joaquin Phoenix
Actor Joaquin Phoenix

The famous scar is not a scar at all. At least that's what Joaquin himself says. According to him, he was already born with a strip above his upper lip. However, some claim that he had a cleft lip. And the scar appeared after surgery.

As a child, Joaquin traveled quite often. His parents dedicated their lives to missionary work. They traveled to small settlements, trying to introduce their inhabitants to their faith. However, later the parents of the future actor decided to break with the sect and settled in Florida. To avoid being found by the "brothers in faith", they changed their surname, becoming Phoenixes.

Tragic event

At the new place of residence, Joaquin's mother began to work on television. Quite often she took her children with her to various TV shows. They even starred in commercials. Thanks to this, Joaquin thought about the acting future. His debut in multi-part projects took place in 1982. The guy worked on the filming of the movie "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." River, the older brother, became a partner on the set.

According to filmmakers, Rivera had a brilliant career in cinema. He even received several awards for his work on the "My Personal Idaho State" project. However, his fate turned out differently. The guy started taking drugs, drinking alcohol. At 23 he died. The reason for this was an overdose. The tragedy took place in one of the nightclubs. River died in the arms of his brother Joaquin.

Career success

Much in the biography of Joaquin Phoenix has changed after his participation in the filming of the film "To Die in the Name". He played his role quite convincingly. Before the audience he appeared in the form of a teenager who killed the husband of his beloved. The role of the main character, who skillfully manipulated the naive guy, went to Nicole Kidman. The brother of the world famous Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, also participated in the filming. They became very close friends with Joaquin. And after a while they even became related. Casey married Raina Phoenix, Joaquin's sister.

Famous actor Joaquin Phoenix
Famous actor Joaquin Phoenix

However, more successful for the actor was his work in the motion picture "Gladiator". He starred with Russell Crowe. Joaquin played the main villain Commodus so convincingly that the audience began to feel disgust at the mere sight of the smug character. Then there was a no less brilliant performance of the priest in the film project "The Pen of the Marquis de Sade". He so skillfully conveyed the emotional experiences, emotions of his hero that the audience practically sobbed while watching the film.

With each new film, both film lovers and critics were convinced that the man is very talented. The actor's army of fans grew at a frantic pace. However, in 2008, Joaquin unexpectedly announced that cinema was over.


Before the end of his creative career, Joaquin starred in the motion picture "Cross the Line". For his masterful acting he received the Golden Globe. He explained his retirement from the cinema by the fact that he wants to devote his life not to the film set, but to the stage, like his hero from the film, musician Cash.

He hasn't really filmed for several years. However, in 2012, he returned to the cinema. Joaquin appeared in The Master. As it turned out later, his announcement of leaving and that he wants to become a rap artist - just part of the filming of the pseudo-documentary film project "I'm still here", directed by his friend Casey Affleck.

Joker performed by Joaquin Phoenix
Joker performed by Joaquin Phoenix

For his role as a sailor in The Master, Joaquin was nominated for another Globe and a prestigious statuette. However, these awards were received by other actors. Joaquin himself was awarded the Volpi Cup.

His work on the "She" project did not remain unnoticed. Before fans and critics, Joaquin appeared in the form of an eccentric guy named Theodore, who was tired of loneliness so much that he started a relationship with a virtual girl, a computer program.

Life off the set

How does an actor live when you don't have to work on new roles? Joaquin Phoenix does not like to talk about his personal life. According to rumors, the reason for this was the novel, which ended sadly enough.

In 1997, Joaquin met the famous "elven princess" Liv Tyler. It happened on the set of the movie "The Fictional Life of the Abbots." The girl entered Joaquin's dressing room by mistake. From that moment on, they increasingly began to be seen together. Joaquin and Liv were united by common interests. They both did not eat meat and fought for animal rights. The beautiful couple was considered one of the strongest.

However, over time, the relationship broke up. The reason for this was the frequent breakups due to work and Liv Tyler's romance with Langdon. After breaking up with Joaquin, she married a musician and had children.

For a long time Joaquin could not move away from parting with Liv. He was free from relationships until 2016. Everything changed after meeting Rooney Mara while working on the "Mary Magdalene" project. After a while, they began to live together. However, they do not think about the wedding yet. Or they just don't talk about it with the press.

Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix
Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix is a couch potato. He has a negative attitude towards everything related to publicity. Not registered with any of the social networks. For a long time he did not even attend the awards ceremony, which is why his colleagues on the set even began to joke about him. Treats interviews and social events like work.


Joaquin continues to work actively on the set. He has appeared in such films as "Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far", "Mary Magdalene", "The Sisters Brothers". But the most anticipated film project with his participation is "Joker". Until recently, it seemed that no one could cope better with this role than Heath Ledger. However, a small trailer for the new film made many fans reconsider and admire Joaquin's Joker.
