How To Draw A Puppy

How To Draw A Puppy
How To Draw A Puppy

Table of contents:


Anyone can draw a puppy believably enough, you just need to practice a little. Animals with their spontaneity and charm give the artist many ideas for creating cute pictures.

How to draw a puppy
How to draw a puppy

It is necessary

  • - the pencils;
  • - eraser;
  • - paper;
  • - paints.


Step 1

Sharpen your pencil sharply. It will be better if you use several pencils of different softness. Draw two ovals, one smaller than the other. One figure in the future will become the head, the other - the body. At the place of their contact, add another oval - a muzzle. Draw four more shapes for the legs below the torso.

Step 2

Start drawing the head. Don't make it too round, it will look implausible. Try to depict the head in proportion to the rest of the body and corresponding to the breed that you are drawing. Do not press hard on the pencil, or it will be harder to erase.

Step 3

Draw the rest of the puppy's face: ears, eyes, nose and mouth. Try to keep the proportions, first study the photos of the animal of the breed you need in order to have a better idea of how to draw the muzzle. The eyes of almost all animals are round. Pupils can be narrowed or dilated, add highlights.

Step 4

Detail the torso. Make a smoother neck line. Draw a sketch of the paws. The foreground limbs should be larger than those in the background. Draw fingers and short claws. Now it is necessary to depict the tail, it can be a curved "hook" or freely hanging along the body.

Step 5

Erase all unnecessary lines. Color your puppy. At this point, you can make it more fluffy. Sometimes "socks" differ in color from the rest of the hair on the paws. The shade of the fur and the pattern on it should correspond to the breed that you are depicting. In puppies, the coat of a single color is not very common.

Step 6

Consider shadow and highlights to make your drawing more realistic. You can map out where the light is coming from. Almost all dogs have black nose and brown eyes. Choose multiple shades of shadows and highlights, so the image will be more believable. You don't need to make the tongue red, it should be pink.
