How To Participate In The Cyprus Wine Festival

How To Participate In The Cyprus Wine Festival
How To Participate In The Cyprus Wine Festival

In early September, the resort town of Limassol on the island of Cyprus gathers thousands of people from different countries. At this time, the famous wine festival is held there, and anyone can take part in it.

How to participate in the Cyprus Wine Festival
How to participate in the Cyprus Wine Festival

The Wine Festival is one of the oldest holidays in the Republic of Cyprus, as this wonderful drink began to be produced there thousands of years ago. It takes place in a small but very beautiful resort town called Limassol. Thousands of people wishing to enjoy excellent wine and have fun gather in the city garden, where various festive events take place.

In different parts of the park, theatrical performances are organized, folklore groups perform in the open air, and girls perform beautiful folk dances on grapes - once this was the way they pressed wine. Unrestrained fun, hospitality of local people and wonderful wine are the main components of this festival.

To become a participant in the Wine Festival, you must come to Cyprus in the first week of September - it is at this time that festive events take place there. To do this, Russian citizens need a special visa, which can be obtained at the consulate of a given country.

Go to the website of the official embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Moscow, fill out an electronic application in the established form and send it to the specified email address. A few days later, you will receive a confirmation, which must be printed and carried with you during check-in for a flight to Cyprus and when boarding a plane.

After that, it remains to buy plane tickets to Larnaca or Paphos and book a hotel room in Limassol. It is advisable to do this in advance, since the number of free rooms in city hotels during the festival is limited.

Arriving in Cyprus, you need to change to the Limassol Airport Express bus, going to Limassol. The cost of a ticket for one person is approximately 10 euros. After checking into the hotel, you can immediately go to the central city park, where you can buy an entrance ticket for a symbolic fee. Usually it is a small glass for tasting local wine, which, by the way, can be tasted at the festival absolutely free of charge.