Plasticine literally passes through the hands of all new generations of children. Being engaged in modeling, kids develop: they train fine motor skills and imagination. The funnier and more intricate their figures are, the more pleasure they make. How can you help children make plasticine figurines?

Step 1
Prepare your sculpting workspace. Spread a piece of Whatman paper or any white paper on the table surface. Prepare a stack of paper towels to dry your hands, tools - stacks, wooden toothpicks.
Step 2
Mash the clay thoroughly before sculpting. It should become warm and pliable. At the same time, you can show your child how to mix the colors of plasticine. Knead two pieces of different colors to get a new shade.
Step 3
Start teaching your child how to model with the simplest shapes. Make flat pancakes with it. Tear off a small piece from a piece of plasticine and press on it with your fingers. First, have the baby knead the pancake by placing it on the table. Then you can slightly complicate the task by asking the child to do it on the weight, holding and kneading the plasticine between the thumbs and forefingers of both hands.
Step 4
Then show your child how to roll the cylindrical figures. Having torn off a piece of plasticine, roll it back and forth with your palm on the table until you get a "sausage". It will also be useful to repeat this exercise without using the surface of the table, rolling the "sausages" between your palms.
Step 5
The next shape is a ball. Making it will require more diligence and patience from the child. Unlike the previous exercise, this time a piece of plasticine needs to be rolled along a circular path, that is, to describe a circle on the table. Also show the child how to hold the hand while doing this - the plasticine should rest against the palm, fingers do not participate in the work.
Step 6
Finished balls can be turned into cubes. To do this, it is enough to "press" them to the table, creating six faces.
Step 7
From these simplest shapes, you can create more interesting ones. For example, all kinds of animals. Make one ball out of plasticine, one larger cylinder, four identical "sausages", one thinner and more authentic. From these parts you can make a cat: the ball will become its head, the cylinder - the body, the five remaining fragments - the legs and tail. Make two ear-shaped pins on the surface of the head. Use a toothpick to paint the cat's eyes and mouth.
Step 8
Sculpt a few more animals using the same principle. Try to choose different representatives of the fauna so that the child can practice making a variety of details. Then, learn to sculpt people and objects of human life.
Step 9
Having mastered such tasks, you can make paintings from plasticine. To do this, roll out the base layer on the surface of the cardboard and stick on it all the same figures, only flatter ones - before fixing, each figure must be cut in half with a stack into two identical parts and put the flat side to the base and apply the edges.