How To Make Figures Out Of Napkins

How To Make Figures Out Of Napkins
How To Make Figures Out Of Napkins

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Starched cloth napkins are not just a hygiene item, they are a real decoration of a festive table. Original figurines made of fabric are usually placed individually for each guest on a plate. They are made in such a way that the napkin can be easily unfolded with one wave of the hand.

How to make figures out of napkins
How to make figures out of napkins


Step 1

Fan Fold the napkin in half. Fold the right side of the resulting rectangle with an accordion strictly to the middle. Fold the napkin again in half perpendicular to the assembly so that the accordion wraps around the fold. It remains to bend the upper left corner down and tuck it under the lower part of the napkin - this will become a support for the fan. Now, with the napkin on the plate, fan out the accordion.

Step 2

Swan Place a smoothed napkin in a diamond pattern on a flat surface. On the top corner to the middle, place a triangle cut from aluminum foil. From the right and left corners, twist the napkin into two tubes up to the middle. Bend the napkin (both tubes) in the center away from you - this is the swan breast. Bend the thin tip forward - this is the head of a swan. Place the napkin on a plate and complement it with a fan shape in the area of the bird's back.

Step 3

Fish Fold the napkin diagonally. Bend the bottom corner forward towards you. Lower the left and right corners down so that the tips slightly extend beyond the fold line. Bend the left and right corners again towards the center vertical line. Lay the napkin shape horizontally - in the form of a fish, and make an eye out of a bead, currant or pebble.

Step 4

Rose A rose from a napkin looks very refined and original. It should be done by weight. Unfold the fabric, fold it over in a straight line by 2-3 cm. Pinch the upper left corner along the fold with straight index and middle fingers. Wrap the napkin around your fingers counterclockwise, or away from you. The folded edge of the napkin should be on the outside of the figure. As a result, you will have a tube. Fold a corner of the upper outer edge of the napkin to form a triangle to form a flower petal.

Step 5

For a beautiful rosebud with your free hand, squeeze the tissue tube under your index and middle fingers and twist the fabric tightly under the grip. Free your fingers from the bud. Twisting the stem, stop vertically in the middle of the napkin. Lift the free end up so that it slightly overlaps the bottom of the makeshift stem. It will be a rose leaf.
