Megdet Rakhimkulov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Megdet Rakhimkulov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Megdet Rakhimkulov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Megdet Nigmatovich Rakhimkulov is one of the richest people in Russia. Former representative of Gazprom in Hungary. Has a family business in this country. Lives and runs his business in Russia.

Megdet Rakhimkulov
Megdet Rakhimkulov

early years

Almost nothing is known about the early years of the biography of Megdet Nigmatovich. There is no information about them, except for the date of birth - 1945, October 26. Was born in Moscow. The biography of the future businessman begins to be traced from the time of his studies at the All-Union Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute. Where he received knowledge in the evenings. Graduated in 1978. He continued his education at the Moscow Institute of Management. At that time, it was a very prestigious institution that trained managers.


Megdet Nigmatovich began his working career early enough, while still studying at the institute. After graduation, he was offered a job at Soyuzgazavtomatik. He served as deputy head of the organization. Soyuzgazavtomatika was part of the USSR Ministry of Gas Industry. Then for three years (1989-1992) he headed Gazexport. This enterprise was engaged in the export of gas abroad and belonged to Gazprom. Then he was appointed General Director of Interpromkom.


Moving to Hungary

In 1994 Rakhimkulov moved to Hungary. In this country, together with Russia, the company Panrusgas Gazkereskedelmi Zrt was created, where a novice businessman becomes its head. Soon he acquires a bank (Altalanos ErtekForgalmi Bank - AEB). He needed this institution in order to deal with financial transactions between the two countries. Having sold AEB, it buys a large Hungarian oil and gas company. Having already owned a fairly large capital, the businessman buys up the assets of various enterprises in the country, becoming one of the richest people not only in Russia, but also in Hungary. By 2001, he owned a quarter of the assets of Hungary's largest chemical concern.

Megdet Nigmatovich Rakhimkulov
Megdet Nigmatovich Rakhimkulov

Family business

At the beginning of the new century, Rakhimkulov retired from the affairs of Gazprom, transferring control to his wife and his children. Creates a family business called Kafiyat Zrt. He himself begins to engage in personal investments. He invests his money in various companies in Hungary. The businessman's capital has grown into a huge fortune. By 2007, he ranked first in Forbes (Hungarian version).

By 2016, Megdet Nigmatovich and his family company owned or co-owned companies that were involved not only in oil and gas, but also in many other industries. Rakhimkulov still conducts his business in two countries.

Personal life of a businessman

Rakhimkulov's son
Rakhimkulov's son

Megdet Rakhimkulov lived all his life with his wife Galina. They have two sons - Ruslan and Timur, seven grandchildren. The wife and children live and work in Hungary, being its citizens. The businessman himself lives most of the time in the Moscow region, where he is engaged not only in business, but also in the cultivation of roses, to which he gives all his free time.
