The name of Svetlana Safieva has not left the news feeds for the past several months. At first, the woman claimed that she was pregnant by the singer Philip Kirkorov, and then suddenly died under mysterious circumstances.

Popular personalities often find themselves at the center of all sorts of scandals. Many would like to become a part of the life of celebrities and receive some kind of fame or benefit from their name. Fans of stars are especially persistent, ready to step over a lot in order to somehow get closer to the object of their love. Svetlana Safieva, a fan of the "king of Russian pop music" Philip Kirkorov, is one of them. Alas, this woman's long and convoluted story ended tragically.
Who is Svetlana Safieva?
Until recently, no one even heard of Svetlana Safieva, but for several months in a row her name has not left the news feeds. The tired look and unkempt appearance of the lady weakly correspond to the news stories that she provokes.
About 53-year-old Safiyeva started talking all around after the woman posted a video message on the network. In it, she claimed that she was pregnant with Philip Kirkorov and required $ 200,000 for childbirth. If it were not for the attention from the media, the woman with her delusional statement would have gone unnoticed, but as a result, her story thundered through federal channels and in the press.
Svetlana Safieva is a more than wealthy lady. In the past, she was the wife of a crime boss who was killed in 2012 in Los Angeles. After his death, Safiyev left his wife an impressive inheritance, so the financial issue was completely closed for her. Svetlana could not think about work and devote her life to entertainment and pleasure: this is exactly what she did. In particular, she focused her attention on the popular singer Philip Kirkorov. The woman attended all his concerts, gave him flowers, and gradually the artist and his staff already recognized the devoted fan by sight.
There would be nothing reprehensible in the passion for the work of Kirkorov, if not for one detail: Svetlana Safieva clearly had certain mental deviations, which became known much later.
Questionable pregnancy
It is extremely difficult to believe that Svetlana Safieva can be really pregnant from a famous artist. Firstly, the woman's age - 53 years - minimizes the possibility of pregnancy. Secondly, pregnancy with triplets in her case is also from the category of a miracle. And, finally, the very fact of the attractiveness of a woman with such an appearance for Kirkorov raises great doubts among those around him.
Andrei Malakhov, the host of the scandalous talk show "Live" on the Rossiya1 TV channel, undertook to understand the situation. Svetlana was invited to the studio and her whole story was taken apart. The woman claimed that she had known Kirkorov for a long time and really had an intimate relationship with him, which resulted in pregnancy. It would be difficult to refute this claim without evidence. First, Malakhov went to Svetlana's luxurious apartment, where he discovered a huge number of purchases for newborns. The house was actually preparing for the appearance of babies. However, only ultrasound, which was also organized by the presenter, could dot all the "i's". And it was there that the whole truth was revealed: Svetlana was diagnosed with a "false pregnancy", and her huge belly turned out to be just a fat bag. The problem was that the woman truly believed in pregnancy and did not accept the ultrasound results, so there was no doubt about her mental illness.

By the way, this was not the only "star" speculation by Svetlana related to pregnancy. Some time ago, the woman stated that she was already pregnant with twins, but the children were taken away from her. At the same time, she clearly hinted that now these children are being raised by Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin.
Mysterious death
There is an opinion that unexpected glory was the reason for the death of Svetlana. A mentally ill woman living alone in a luxury apartment is a tidbit for black realtors. According to some estimates, Safieva's apartment was worth more than $ 10 million.
Svetla claimed that she was forced to sell this apartment, while she even indirectly blamed her 21-year-old son Denis for this. The day before the deal, the women posted a frightening message online. “I have a very serious apartment deal going on. I'm not sure if it will pass and not end in murder."
These phrases turned out to be prophetic. On the day of the alleged deal to sell the apartment, Svetlana Safieva died of acute heart failure in intensive care, where she was admitted the day before in serious condition.

Svetlana's son was one of the first to come to the hospital, but he was not going to say goodbye to his mother or take her body from the morgue. First of all, Denis took away all the woman's documents, both personal and financial. According to eyewitnesses, the young man looked very tired and even broken. It is possible that for him the death of his mother was the expected ending and even some endowment. The boy lived from the age of 11 with his mother, whose serious mental illness progressed, which made the life of loved ones unbearable.
The woman's niece and her adopted daughter learned about the tragedy only 6 days after Svetlana's death, and not from Denis, but from the media. The girls also attended the next show by Andrey Malakhov, now dedicated to the death of Safiyeva, and at the same time looked sincerely mourning. Philip Kirkorov also spoke briefly about the death of his devoted fan, saying that this is a great grief for everyone.