7 years ago, two wonderful children appeared in the life of Philip Kirkorov: Martin and Alla-Victoria. The singer is very attentive to children, giving them only the best. But no one is immune from unexpected accidents.

In July 2018, when Kirkorov's children were in Greece, there was a terrible fire that claimed the lives of many people.
Where were the children and their star dad during the tragedy
The children were taken to a hotel near Athens. It was this part of the mainland that was miraculously bypassed by the natural disaster. If he chose a hotel within the city, the ending could be very sad.
At this time, Philip Bedrosovich was in Baku at the "Heat" festival.
Despite the fact that the children were not in danger, the singer immediately flew to Greece, not entrusting anyone with their accompaniment. The festival was the third, the scope was simply enormous. The entire musical elite gathered in Baku for this festival, which was supposed to end on July 29.

I did not expect the end of the festival, where he was a specially invited guest.
All fans of the singer with bated breath followed the latest news from Athens, knowing that there are beloved children of their idol. The singer himself brought condolences to all those affected by the fire in Greece, because this tragedy has acquired enormous proportions, despite the emergency evacuation of residents and tourists. As a result, more than a hundred people died, 200 were injured of varying severity, and about a hundred more went missing. According to official figures, 23 children died. Some people did not even have time to get out of the sea and simply drowned. The fire spread with incredible speed.
Kirkorov planned to relax with his children in Greece for a few days after the end of the festival, but, of course, after the fire, the plans changed.
Children and adults just burned alive in houses and cars. The element was uncontrollable.
Why there was a fire in Greece
On July 23, forests and surroundings began to burn. Forest fires spread very quickly and affected the popular urban resorts of Athens. The city of Kinet, Mati and Rafina was engulfed in fire. They burned out almost to the ground. Flames blazed around Athens, simultaneously engulfing 15 areas and spreading rapidly. The authorities assumed that it was arson in order to loot the burning property of wealthy hotels.

But on July 22, meteorologists warned that the air was getting too hot, an abnormal heat begins with a strong wind, which accelerated the spread of fire.
Intelligence agencies quickly responded to the natural disaster by launching an urgent evacuation of tourists and local residents. That is why the number of victims was not so huge. Indeed, at this time, thousands of tourists from different countries are resting in the resorts of Greece.
The fire did not give in. The wind and heat did not allow drowning out the flames and stopping further combustion. All forces were thrown into the fight against the fire. Airplanes dumped water, rescue boats cruised along the coast, gathering people. Someone rescued people on fishing boats and their own boats. But many could not escape, suffocating from the smoke.
There was nowhere to run. On one side, there was a wall of fire, on the other, a sea with a strong current.
What happened after the fire in Greece
Philip Bedrosovich urgently took the children from Greece to his homeland, to Bulgaria. On his Instagram, the singer thanked Greece for an unforgettable vacation. Which is clearly not an exaggeration, because Philip was very worried about his children. He admitted to reporters that he could not find a place for himself and felt very guilty in front of the children, because at such a terrible moment he was not there.
The singer's attentive Instagram followers noticed that there was another child in some photos and videos. The singer did not comment on who it was. And as always, various rumors began to appear. It was not clear whether it was a boy or a girl. Thousands of comments suggesting where this child came from were not commented on by the singer. But the audience insisted that the third child was also stellar. Someone saw the similarities with Philip Bedrosovich, someone saw the similarities between all three children and concluded that this was definitely the son or daughter of an idol. But since no official comments have been received, the photo remains a mystery.

What is now with the children of Kirkorov
Now with Philip's children, everything is fine. There was no injury, the children were always under the supervision of Aunt Marie and the nanny. They had a great vacation in Bulgaria and returned home to their mansion.
Kirkorov's children attend kindergarten, circles, sections, and also communicate with peers. All the free time that the singer has between tours, he spends with his heirs.
It turns out that the mother of Martin and Alla-Victoria lives with them. But she does not like to appear in public, so many fans do not see her.