How To Get A Hunting License In

How To Get A Hunting License In
How To Get A Hunting License In

Any citizen can obtain a hunting license from the relevant department of the relevant ministry of his own region. To do this, you will need to fill out an application in the approved form, pay a special fee and a state fee.

How to get a hunting license in 2017
How to get a hunting license in 2017

The procedure for obtaining a hunting license is regulated in a special order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. If any person claims to carry out hunting activities in public areas, then it is necessary to contact the subdivision of the relevant ministries, the names of which may differ (depending on the specific subject of the Russian Federation). In this case, you will need to first prepare your own passport, pay a fee for the use of objects of the animal world, a fee for the provision of state services for issuing a permit. In this case, the amount of the fee is fixed, and the amount of the fee depends on the species of animals that the applicant intends to hunt, their number.

How to fill out an application?

The main document for obtaining a hunting license is an application submitted by a hunter to an authorized body. In this application, you should indicate your own data (last name, first name, patronymic), passport data, the specific type of planned hunt, species of animals and their number, timing, hunting location and a number of other information. Certain features when filling out and submitting such an application are established for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs who plan to carry out hunting activities. In addition, the authorized bodies are much more stringent in checking business entities applying for a hunting license, requesting additional information about them from the tax service.

How is the application submitted and processed?

A citizen can apply for a hunting license with the attached documents in person or send these papers by mail to the authorized body. In the first case, subject to a positive decision, the license can be obtained almost immediately; in the second, you will have to wait a while. When sending documents by mail, one should take into account the duration of the shipment itself, which depends on the applicant's place of residence, as well as the period of five working days that is allotted to the authorized body for consideration of the application. The specified period is reduced to one working day in case of a personal application. Frequent reasons for negative decisions on applications are the absence of any necessary data in the application, failure to submit all additional documents, non-payment of state duties or fees.
