A gymnast is an athlete who performs various exercises to music with objects such as a rope, ball or clubs. The gymnasts have very good stretching and excellent plasticity. And how to convey such plastic on a simple piece of paper?

It is necessary
- - album sheet;
- - pencil;
- - eraser.
Step 1
Sketch the outline of the gymnast. First, in the middle of the sheet, draw a line that resembles the letter "p". The right border will symbolize the leg, and the left - the lowered arm - the gymnast stands on one leg with the other raised up and with her hands down.
Step 2
In the middle of the drawn figure, add another straight line, located vertically - the gymnast's second leg. Please note that the length of the leg line must be greater than the length of the arm line.
Step 3
Draw in more detail the outlines of the gymnast. Draw an oval for the girl's head. For the classical scheme of drawing a person, the head should be equal to an eighth of the entire body, however, with a specific position of the gymnast, this is difficult to determine.
Step 4
Mark the height of the head, approximately equal to a third of the height of the raised leg. Place the oval on the left side of the leg, frozen in the air at a minimum distance.
Step 5
Draw a second vertical line to mark the boundaries of the width of the raised leg. Lead it from the very top of the leg, keeping parallel to the existing border.
Step 6
Closer to the base, expand the line slightly, thus depicting the thigh. Now continue this line by running it in the middle of the letter "p", sketching out the line of the chest and the width of the arm. Draw the second hand. It will be positioned along the right edge of the originally drawn shape.
Step 7
Start drawing individual details. Draw the shape of the legs in accordance with the anatomy of the human body, i.e. outline the ankles and feet with wavy lines. Please note that the figure of the gymnasts is close to ideal proportions - be sure to observe them. Draw the arms slightly bent to the side and with the brushes facing inward.
Step 8
Draw the hair and face details for the gymnast. Dress her up as well - use simple strokes to mark the lines of the tight-fitting clothing. Add details - place a ribbon with curl rings or a ball in your hands. The gymnast is ready.