For painting landscapes, it is better to use high-quality paper and paints (also, of course, high-quality). Although if you have at your fingertips a cheap album, the sheets of which come in "waves" after being wetted with water, as well as a simple watercolor, it is also possible to paint a beautiful landscape. Using certain tricks, you can achieve the fact that even low-quality cheap paper moistened with water mixed with watercolors remains flat. Now let's move on to drawing.

Step 1
If the colors of the available paints do not suit you, it does not matter. They can be mixed for beautiful shades. Although among domestic paints it is not difficult to find "honey" watercolors in stores, which will have the correct density and also have good hiding power.
Step 2
So what's with the paints? If there are few colors in the watercolor box, you have to mix. Some shades can be very beautiful. And if the choice of paints is large, sometimes the temptation overcomes the temptation to choose heels of ready-made bright colors and paint only with them. Still, it is better to choose two or three "main" colors, not necessarily bright and clean. Take olive and gray-blue, for example. The rest of the colors you get by mixing the main shades with other paints. And the drawing will look more realistic and richer.
Step 3
Now go back to paper. Let it be far from snow-white. It's even good - it will be easy to depict snow on it. Cover it with water (completely) before starting work in order to rinse off excess glue. And draw the sky at the same time. Make it a pale gray-blue or closer to blue.
Step 4
Next, paint shadows with trees. Let the trees live where you add a wet shade of red-brown-copper paint. For her, depict stripes of hills and forests on the horizon.
Step 5
Wait for the paint on the trees to dry. Draw in the foreground a strip of the river in gray-blue, and then paint the bushes around the river with one of the shades of brown. When the river and bushes are dry, "sprinkle" them with snow from white watercolor.
Step 6
So the drawing of a winter river with forests and hills on the horizon is ready. Now it needs to be dried, put in some heavy pile of paper or a book. Don't take out the drawing for at least a week. During this time, it will finally level out, and you can take a fresh look at it and note the shortcomings.