The samovar, felt boots and, of course, birch are integral symbols of Russian culture. Russian artists often turned to this subject and painted a winter birch. You can try to draw the famous tree yourself, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

It is necessary
- - paints;
- - brushes;
- - paper.
Step 1
For the winter, the birch sheds foliage, and its branches in the figure should be bare and certainly black, and the trunk itself should be white. Therefore, first give the background to the future picture - take the paint with a brush and make light blue or light gray snow. You can draw a winter sun and frosty clouds in parallel - they will give the work a special chic.
Step 2
Rinse the brush, take white paint and use it to paint a tree trunk. Start at the base and gently draw a line towards the top, making it thinner a little at a time. Finish this element smoothly. Thus, you will get an uneven trunk in thickness.
Step 3
Take black paint and draw vertical lines at the base of the trunk. They should fit snugly together. Do not get carried away with the length - take it quite a bit in height, at the distance of the mentally sawn hemp. As with the trunk itself, direct the strips from the base of the tree to its top.
Step 4
Draw horizontal lines on the trunk, so typical of birch trees. Do not overdo it - you should not turn them into a black blot, but they should not be too thin either. Distribute the lines in a chaotic manner, do not adhere to a strict algorithm for their placement. The freer they are along the trunk, the more natural the birch will be.
Step 5
Go to branches. It is advisable to take a brush at least one size thinner. Dip it in black paint and start by drawing the lower branches, gradually moving to the top of the tree. Lead the line from the trunk: initially a little up, but then round it down and continue to go down further. If, according to the author's idea, the birch is young, then you should not make the branches very hanging - you can even direct them to the sky. But if the tree is old, then they need to be led almost to the ground, although it all depends on the idea of the drawing.
Step 6
Wait until the birch dries, and then take a paint that matches the color of the snow with a brush and lightly "powder" it - put points on the branches, and also draw a small snowdrift at the base of the tree.