When creating landscape works, the main emphasis is usually on drawing trees, bushes and leaves. This is not an easy job, since in nature you will not find homogeneous textures and clear geometric shapes. To convey volume and texture, you need to be extremely observant and diligent. You can cope with this task if you do it step by step.

It is necessary
hard-soft pencil (HB), paper, eraser
Step 1
Decide on the composition and outline the trunk of the tree in the foreground with lines. You should always draw dead, withered and winter trees from the base of their growth.
Step 2
Now draw the clear outlines of the planned tree, outline the branches and break them into thinner branches. At the same time, draw the horizon line, deciding what you draw in the background.
Step 3
Pay special attention to how to securely plant the tree on paper, otherwise it will look like it is floating. To give the tree a good foundation, enlarge it where it touches the ground. The trunk of the tree must be curved and not straight.
Step 4
To create the texture of the tree, shade the dark areas and select the shadows. Leave the small details for later.
Step 5
Decide on the play of chiaroscuro: pay attention to where the shadows are, from which side the light falls. The trunk of the tree is in the shape of a cylinder, so the shadows on it should represent a cylindrical volume. The trunk will be lighter at the base due to the reflected light from the snow.
Step 6
Now draw the necessary details: small twigs, snow on the trunk and in the forks. Add volume to the snow and reinforce the shadows where it touches the tree.
Step 7
Since the intended tree is a winter tree, pay great attention to the places where the branch is attached to the trunk. Correctly depicting the angles of the points of contact between the trunk and branches is what makes the tree "alive".
Step 8
Don't draw the branches too straight; this will make the tree look unnatural. To see the curves in the branches, it is helpful to look not at the branches themselves, but at the space between them. The corners between the branches are wider at the base of the tree and narrower at its top.