In the life of any parent, a situation can occur when their wonderful child, for example, an elementary school student, comes home from class and informs mom or dad that he was given homework in an art lesson - to draw a horse. Naturally, the baby will try to get help from adults. But not many parents can boast of their fantastic ability to draw beautifully. Although drawing a horse is not so difficult if you depict all its components in stages.

Step 1
At the top of a sheet of paper, you need to depict a small oval (the head of the future horse).
Step 2
Then, just below it, you should draw another oval, more elongated (the body of the animal).
Step 3
These ovals need to be connected with two straight lines. This will give the horse a neck.
Step 4
Now from the body it is necessary to draw 4 thighs (parts of the legs closest to the body). In the picture, the horse will be standing upright, so the front hips should be drawn up and the hind hips down.
Step 5
Next, you should continue drawing horse legs, i.e. from each of the four thighs, you need to depict the legs of the animal.
Step 6
Now the lines, with which the horse's neck and body are drawn, need to be rounded. Make smooth transitions from one part of the body to another. Also, the animal should draw a gorgeous thick mane.
Step 7
On the horse's head, it is necessary to show a visible small triangular ear, an oval eye and a mouth.
Step 8
Now it's time to draw the bushy ponytail.
Step 9
The drawing of the animal's legs should be completed with the image of the hooves.
Step 10
The next step in drawing a horse is to remove unnecessary pencil lines, smooth out sharp corners and outlines.
Step 11
Next, you need to do the drawing of small details: folds of the skin, the pattern of the muscles, the ruffled mane and tail of the horse.
Step 12
All that remains is to color the horse, and your fine arts homework is done.